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David, known online as "Rose" is currently in the eighth grade attending Ames Middle School; he is doing Rocks and Minerals, Dynamic Planet, and Road Scholar (21-22). David enjoys staring at pictures of rocks and listening to music in his free time. He also plays soccer and does Science Bowl. After multiple mishaps with Road Scholar, he does not enjoy the event very much, on the other hand with Dynamic Planet and especially Rocks and Minerals, he loves those events. He is extremely hopeful for the return of Glaciers as the Dynamic Planet topic in 2023, and believes that glaciers are far superior to freshwater. Celestite is his favorite mineral, and his favorite rock is the one that you put on your French fries

General Information
Years in SO 2
Grade 9th
State IA
Division C Information
Forum profile RoseZ
Social Media
Discord sevenrose #3172