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I have no idea how to use this, but I'm making my userpage anyways. Credit to TheCrazyChemist for helping me. (Note:I will not include 2017-2018 invitational scores, as I forgot them)

About Me

My name is Kevin, commonly called either yaboidev or pastaman202 on various online sites or games. The name “Yaboidev” originates after I watched an episode of salty phish on YouTube, my favorite YouTuber, and my friends name which is Dev. Pastaman202 on the other hand I completely forget how I came up with that. I used to go to Daniel Wright Junior High School and will soon go to Adlai E. Stevenson High school. So far I have completed 2 years of SO and plan on continuing it in high school.

2017-2018: Seventh Grade

This was actually the first year I made the team. As back then I was kinda really dumb, many people in my school were really mad that I made it in, so I essentially gave up on SO from the start. As I did so poorly in my first invitational, being the only person on both our A and B team to not medal once, and my failure in team trials, the coaches never took notice of me. However, I am very competitive and started grinding out SO and found my main events. I started out with Crime Busters(Analysis is the best part), Potions and Poisons, Hovercraft, Herpetology, and Wright Stuff (the worst event). Hovercraft was by far the best event.. From then on, I got relatively good, focusing on mostly Potions and Poisons and Hovercraft, with Herpetology and Wright stuff on the side (I had to drop Crime Busters because it conflicted with Herpetology). By out third and fourth invitational, I was consistently doing better than before. However, since our coaches that year didn’t really care about any of us seventh graders, I was only on the a team once. By Regionals, I still wasn’t on the A team and was eventually forced to do IL trial events (Circuit Lab and Density Lab) at State. All in all, I learned to love SO and Potions and Circuit while also hating Wright Stuff with a burning passion

Placements (Regionals for all and States for Circuit and Density)

Event Regional Illinois Division B State
Herpetology ? -
Wright Stuff ? -
Hovercraft 1st -
Potions and Poisons 1st -
Circuit Lab - 2nd
Density Lab - 19th
Team 1st 1st

2018-2019, Eighth Grade

This year was by far my best year, and will probably continue as my best year. This year, after tryout tests, for some reason, I got really good. I continued potions and poisons, circuit lab, density lab, and herpetology, while also picking up elastic launched gliders and dynamic planet. In Daniel Wright, we normally have parent volunteer coaches for all the events, but the coach for potions was out of town so my partner and I had to sub in for the coach and because of that we got really good at potions really fast. My circuit lab and density skills got refined, with me being the best in both events, and herpetology I got better solely because I watched a lot of nature documentaries. As for Gliders, it was mostly a break event for me. Finally, in DP, we had a god tier coach who I claim is the only reason why my partner and I did well at nats. Unfortunately, being in 6 events didn’t bid well for the coaches of our team, and density lab unfortunately was an event that I never once competed in except as an audit.. By state I quit that event, as the coach never put me in. All in all, potions and circuit were the best event, herps was the most fun to meme, Elg is the devil (I guess flying events aren’t my thing), and dp I don’t even know what happened or how I beat Tim. Also I became team captain for the DW2019 team. We didn’t do so hot at nats tho.

Event Boyceville Invitational Centerville Invitational Badger Invitational Regionals States Nationals
Density Lab - - 1st* - - -
Circuit Lab 1st 5th 1st 1st 1st 5th
Potions and Poisons 1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st 3rd
Dynamic Planet 2nd - 1st - 1st 1st
Elastic Launched Glider 6th 10th 3rd 2nd - 15th
Herpetology - 3rd** 2nd 2nd 2nd 10th
Team 3rd 2nd 2nd 1st 1st 5th

Random Opinions

Monk is the best tv show to ever live

Remember the Titans is my favorite movie ever made

Greycen lives a few houses away from me so I think his godness is transferring to me

I realized all my main event partners were girls (does that mean I’m an official chad)

I watch a lot of YouTube and my recommends filled with random stuff now


-: I didn’t compete in the event

?: I forgot what I got

Asterisk: I audited the event so it didn’t count for the final score

2 Asterisks: After we found a scoring error, it turns out we should’ve gotten first

Tournament Review, but with Fun Anecdotes

2018 Boyceville

Crime: Why do no metals float in water

Potions: I think a plant is more dangerous than a newt

2018 Centerville

Herps: Official binder carrier of Greycen

Potions: Forgot to do half of the lab

2018 Regionals

Hover: Why are there no tables here

Potions: Why has the other team not done the lab yet

Herps: Quick! Check the bromothymol blue sheet

2019 Boyceville

Circuit: What the freak is a logic gate

Potions: At least we did better than the team next to us

ELG: Stop hitting the walls

Dynamic: How do you not know what a scantron is

2019 Centerville

Herps: Help! Hey are there 2 38s

ELG: Hey Solon stop flexing

Potions: Hey (partner) help X1000

Circuit: What’s an ohmmeter

2019 Badger

ELG: Everyone stop flexing on us

Herps: I have evolved from binder carrier to carrier

Potions: I think H2 is carbon dioxide

DP: ?

2019 Regionals

Herps: Show pic of box turtle* partner: it’s a tortoise

Potions: Where are you partnerrrrrrr

ELG: For real stop flexing everyone

Circuit: I got nothing

2019 States

Herps: Why is this test so longgggggggg

Potions: Ah finally my partner is back

DP: This topo is bigger than me

Circuit: Ohm meter:999 ohms. Bands:90 ohms me: nani

2019 Nats

Herps: Well we just lost 30 points from one station

ELG: Where the actual wa sai is the room at

DP: This event was mildly difficult *cries internally*

Potions: “Is this light off, medium, or bright?”

Circuit: Where are the calculations at...


Years in SO:2

Medals made: 38

Best year:2018-2019

School: formerly DW, soon Stevenson

Age: 14

Events Ranked (fun and skill combined)








8.Wright Stuff (ew)