User:Grass of the wind
grass_of_the_wind is a user from Esperero Canyon Middle School, a team in Arizona. Although her team has never made it to Nationals, they have a decent shot this year and she and her team hope to win the state tournament in April. grass_of_the_wind specializes mainly in study and lab events. She likes Crime Busters, Disease Detectives, and Experimental Design the most. She also sucks at nearly every building event she does (;_;).
History In Science Olympiad
In 2013-2014, grass_of_the_wind's older brother joined and competed in Science Olympiad at Esperero Canyon Middle School. She decided to follow in his footsteps and joined in 2014. In sixth grade, she pretty much sucked but managed to make her way onto the Varsity Team with her best friend for state, where they failed horribly. Since they switched places with two other students between regionals and state, they had to take up several new events, which did not turn out well. Had their Bottle Rocket disaster and failure in nearly every other event been avoided, their team may have placed higher (oops). In 2015, determined to redeem herself, grass_of_the_wind studied like a pro and competed successfully in all 4 tournaments. For regionals and state, she was put on the Varsity team again, and placed in the top 3 in all of her events both times (including 1st places in Crime Busters and Food Science at regionals and 1st in Disease Detectives at state).
Events From Most to Least Liked
1. Disease Detectives
2. Crime Busters
3. Experimental Design
4. Food Science
5. Crave The Wave
6. Elastic Launched Gliders
7. Anatomy and Physiology
8. Dynamic Planet
9. Road Scholar
10. Meteorology
11. Wheeled Vehicle
12. Can't Judge A Powder
13. Bottle Rockets (don't ever speak of this event near me or else I will devour your soul and make sure that your afterlife is full of darkness and despair)
Placings in Science Olympiad
Anatomy: 9/-/-
B. Rockets: -/-/literally last(;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;)sad sauce everywhere
CJAP: -/-/22(;;;;;;_;;;;;)
Crave TW: -/4/4
Crime Busters: -/-/19(;;;;_;;;;)it was still super fun tho
DD: -/4/11(;_;)
Dynamic P: 9/-/-
Exp. Design: 9/6/-
Meteorology: -/8/-
Wheeled Vehicle: -/14(;;_;;)/-
Team Overall: NA/4/4
OMOS/Casa Grande/Regionals/State
Crime Busters: 2/8/1/2
DD: 6/1(wat)/3/1(omgyessssssssssss)
Exp. Design: 7/5/-/-
Elastic Launched: -/4/-/-
Food Science: -/-/1(wat)/2
Meteorology: 16(proud)/-/-/-
Road Scholar: 4/-/-/-
Team Overall: NA/NA/2/3