Talk:Invasive Species/Invasive Species List

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Reordering of Page

This page may be better organized just based on what is shown on the national list, following that order regardless of taxonomy. This would probably help make information easier to find for most. Additionally, the way this page is set up currently results in many species being a level 5 or 6 header, which when viewed on the page are often hard to differentiate from regular/bolded text. If we were to arrange it simply in the order of the national list, we could just add a bullet point for the taxonomy of each species (in fact, in my main notes document I have the taxonomy for each species listed; I could probably just copy and paste it).

Thoughts? -John richardsim (talk) 16:58, 13 February 2016 (CST)

I've went through and reorganized the page in the order of the national list. Sometime this weekend I will A) break this page apart into separate pages for each section of the list (probably with a quick table of info left on here for each section), and B) add a bullet to each species with taxonomy. -John richardsim (talk) 02:05, 3 June 2016 (CDT)