Solar System/Missions

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This article is about missions to celestial bodies within the Solar System. For about the Solar System event in general, see Solar System.

This page lists and describes missions to celestial bodies within the solar system. While in past versions of the rules this section of competition has been very nonspecific, in more recent iterations the required knowledge has been more specific. Always check the most recent version of the event rules for the most specific information.

In the tables below, "Start Date" is defined as the date the spacecraft launched, and "End Date" is defined as the date that NASA ends any effort to contact the spacecraft. For missions where this information is unavailable or the mission is still ongoing, the date represents the last time the spacecraft was contacted or when it is estimated to complete its mission.


Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
Asteroid Redirect December 2021 (Planned) June 13th, 2017 (Date Cancelled) Cancelled Capture an Asteroid and place it in orbit around the Moon for samples and data, developing certain technologies essential for deep space exploration [1]
Dawn September 27th, 2007 November 1st, 2018 Completed Study Vesta and Ceres, providing insight into how planets are formed and how they change [2]
Discovery 13 (Lucy) October 16th to November 5th 2021 - Planned Explore Jupiter trojans, asteroids that share Jupiter's orbit [3]
Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR Shoemaker) February 17th, 1996 February 28th, 2001 Completed Study near-Earth asteroid 433 Eros; first mission to orbit and touch down on an asteroid [4]
Osiris-REx September 8th, 2016 September 24th, 2023 (Planned) Ongoing Travel to Near-Earth Asteroid Bunno (1999RQ36) and bring back a 2.1-ounce sample to study [5]


Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
Deep Impact January 12th, 2005 September 20th, 2013 Completed Probe beneath the surface of a comet Tempel 1, answering questions about the composition of comets and how they form [6]
EPOXI July 21st, 2005 September 20th, 2013 Completed Follow-up mission to Deep Impact consisting of two parts - one intending to study three stars with solar-planets (EPOCh) and another intending to study the nucleus of comet Hartley 2 (DIXI) [7]
Rosetta March 2nd, 2004 September 30th, 2016 Completed Orbit the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and study it in detail, soft land on the comet and accompany it into the inner solar system [8]
Stardust/Stardust-NExT February 7th, 1999 March 24th, 2011 Completed Collect samples from comets Wild 2 and Annefrank and study the effects that Deep Impact had on Tempel 1 [9]

Earth's Moon

Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
Apollo Program October 27th, 1961 December 19th, 1972 Completed To land a man on the Moon, establish new technology to further the United States' future in space, and help humans adjust to working in foreign environments [10]
Clementine (DSPSE) January 25, 1994 May 10th, 1995 Ended after malfunction To make surface altimetry measurements of the Moon's surface, test space components and sensors, analyze the surface mineralogy of the Moon and the near-Earth asteroid 1620 Geographos, and image at multiple wavelengths [11]
Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) September 10th, 2011 December 17th, 2012 Completed To make the most accurate gravitational map of the Moon to date, help deduce the Moon's interior structure and composition, and help learn about its thermal evolution, information that can help navigation for future lunar spacecraft and contributing to knowledge about the evolution of the inner solar system [12]
Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) September 7th, 2013 April 8th, 2014 Completed To gather information about the lunar atmosphere, surface conditions, and environmental influences on lunar dust [13]
Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) June 18th, 2009 October 9th, 2009 Completed Confirm if water ice exists in a crater at the south pole of the Moon, determining that pure ice exists in some places and unearthing evidence that the Moon has a water cycle [14]
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter June 18th, 2009 - Ongoing Analyzes the temperature and imaging of the polar regions of the Moon concerning the prospect of water and helps identify potentially resourceful sites with the potential for safe future robotic and human lunar missions [15]
Miniature Radio-Frequency Instrument (Mini-RF) June 18th, 2009 - Ongoing Map the lunar poles, search for water ice, and demonstrate future NASA communication technologies [16]
Moon Mineralogy Mapper October 22nd, 2008 August 30th, 2009 Completed Produce the first mineralogical map of the Moon [17]
Ranger Program August 23rd, 1961 March 24th, 1965 Completed Obtain close-up images of the Moon's surface [18]
Surveyor May 30th, 1966 January 10th, 1968 Completed Obtain close-up images of the lunar surface and determine if the terrain was safe for manned landings, thus paving the path to the Apollo 11 landing in July 1969 [19]


Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
Galileo October 18th, 1989 September 21st, 2003 Completed Study Jupiter and its moons, reporting back with the composition of their surfaces and atmospheres as well as other key details [20]
Juno August 5th, 2011 July 30, 2021 (Planned) Ongoing Understand Jupiter's origin and evolution, look for a solid planetary core, map the magnetic field, measure water and ammonia in the deep atmosphere, and observe auroras [21]
Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE) June 2022 February 2034 Planned Study the Galilean moons of Jupiter (excluding Io), orbiting and surveying Ganymede and evaluating its potential to support life [22]
Pioneer Program (Pioneer 10 and 11) August 17th, 1958 December 9th, 1978 Completed Image Jupiter and its moons, detecting the planet's magnetic field and surveying the planet's atmosphere [23]
Voyager Program (Voyager 1) September 5th, 1977 2025 (Estimated) Ongoing Conduct studies of Jupiter and Saturn, as well as investigating the larger moons of the two planets [24]


Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
InSight May 5th, 2018 November 2020 (Planned) Ongoing Study the interior of mars, measuring seismic activity and heat flow [25]
Mars 2020 (Perseverance rover) July 20th, 2020 - Ongoing Investigate the geological processes on Mars, as well as potential former life [26]
Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) November 18th, 2013 2030 (Estimated) Ongoing Study Mars' atmosphere, determining its composition and evaluating its interactions with solar wind [27]
Mars Exploration Rover (Spirit and Opportunity rovers) June 10th, 2003 February 13, 2019 Completed Examine rocks on the surface of Mars, hopefully gaining insight into the planet's history and past water activity [28]
Mars Global Surveyor November 7, 1996 November 14, 2006 Completed Examine the surface features on Mars, determining surface composition and topology, as well as monitoring the planet's atmosphere and magnetic field [29]
Mars Odyssey April 7, 2001 2025 (Estimated) Ongoing Study the planet's geology and radiation, as well as provide telecommunications to other Mars missions [30]
Mars Pathfinder (Soujurner rover) December 4th, 1996 September 27, 1997 Completed Testing cheaper and faster methods to build a spacecraft, showing committment to a low-cost mission [31]
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter August 12th, 2005 Late 2020s (Estimated) Ongoing Study the geology and climate of Mars, surveying the planet in preparation of future missions and sending data from ongoing missions back to Earth [32]
Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity rover) November 26th, 2011 Mid-late 2020s (Estimated) Ongoing Determining Mars' habitability including investigating organic compounds and the role of water on the planet, as well as investigating the planet's climate and taking measurements in preparation for potential manned missions to Mars [33]
Phoenix August 4, 2007 November 2, 2008 Completed Assess Mars' habitability, probing for potential water [34]
Viking 1 August 20th, 1975 November 13th, 1982 Completed Search for evidence of life on Mars [35]


Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
Mariner 10 November 3rd, 1973 March 24th, 1975 Completed Measure certain characteristics of Mercury and Venus, including their atmospheres and surfaces [36]
MESSENGER August 3rd, 2004 April 30, 2015 Completed Measure Mercury's chemical composition, geology and magnetic field [37]


Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
Voyager Program (Voyager 2) August 20th, 1977 2025 (Estimated) Ongoing Imaging the outer planets of the solar system, conducting studies of the two ice giants (Uranus and Neptune) and exploring the interstellar medium outside the solar system [38]


Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
New Horizons January 19th, 2006 2021 (Estimated) Ongoing Perform a fly-by of Pluto, imaging the dwarf planet and providing insight into the early solar system as well as the Kuiper Belt [39]


Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
Cassini-Huygens October 15th, 1997 September 15th, 2017 Completed Study Saturn, determining the composition of its rings and satellites as well as studying Saturn's atmosphere and Titan's surface [40]
Pioneer Program (Pioneer 11) April 6th, 1973 September 30, 1995 Completed Explore the outer solar system, map Saturn's magnetic field and the composition of its upper atmosphere as well as discover how the planet interacts with solar wind [41]
Voyager Program (Voyager 1) September 5th, 1977 2025 (Estimated) Ongoing Conduct studies of Jupiter and Saturn, as well as investigating the larger moons of the two planets [42]

Sun and its Influence

Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) August 25, 1997 2024 (Estimated) Ongoing Study energetic particles from solar wind and interplanetary medium, determining its composition as well as investigating the formation of the corona and isotopic compositions of various bodies in the solar system [43]
Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer (FAST) August 21, 1996 May 4, 2009 Completed Observe the auroras that occur near Earth's poles [44]
Geotail July 24th, 1992 - Ongoing Observe Earth's magnetosphere [45]
Hinode (Solar-b) September 22nd, 2006 2022 (Estimated) Ongoing Explore the Sun's magnetic field as well observe its interactions with the corona [46]
IMAGE March 25th, 2000 December 18th, 2005 Completed Observe Earth's magnetosphere and its interactions with solar wind [47]
Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) June 28th, 2013 - Ongoing Investigate the sun's chromosphere [48]
International Cometary Explorer (ICE) August 12th, 1978 September 16th, 2014 Completed Investigate the interactions between Earth's magnetosphere and its interactions with solar wind [49]
Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) October 11th, 2019 - Ongoing Investigate the Earth's ionosphere [50]
Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) March 13th, 2015 2040 (Estimated) Ongoing Study Earth's magnetosphere [51]
Parker Solar Probe August 12th, 2018 At least 2025 (Planned) Ongoing Observing the outer corona of the Sun [52]
Polar February 24th, 1996 April 28th, 2008 Completed Investigate the polar magnetosphere and the auroras that occur near Earth's poles [53]
RHESSI February 5th, 2002 August 16th, 2018 Completed Observe solar flares [54]
Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) February 11th, 2010 - Ongoing Investigate the Sun's influence on Earth [55]
Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) December 2nd, 1995 - Ongoing Investigate the outer layer of the Sun, as well as solar wind and the interior structure of the sun [56]
Solar Anomalous and Magnetosphere Particle Explorer (SAMPEX) July 3, 1992 November 13, 2012 Completed Observe cosmic rays and Earth's magnetosphere [57]
Solar Orbiter Collaboration February 10th, 2020 - Ongoing Study the inner heliosphere and solar wind [58]
Sounding Rocket Program September 26th, 1945 - Ongoing Carry instruments into the upper atmosphere, observing things like auroras [59]
Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) October 26th, 2006 - Ongoing Observe the Sun and weather in space using stereoscopic imagery [60]
THEMIS-ARTEMIS February 17th, 2007 - Ongoing Study energy releases in Earth's magnetosphere [61]
TIMED December 7th, 2001 - Ongoing Study the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, particularly with reference to solar radiation [62]
Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) April 1st, 1998 June 21st, 2010 Completed Investigate magnetic fields and plasma structures on the Sun [63]
Ulysses October 6th, 1990 June 30th, 2009 Completed Study the Sun at all latitudes [64]
Van Allen Probes (Radiation Belt Storm Probes) August 30th, 2012 October 18th, 2019 Completed Study Van Allen radiation belts [65]
Wind November 1st, 1994 - Ongoing Study radio waves and plasma in solar wind and Earth's magnetosphere [66]

Telescopes and Observatories

Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) April 24th, 1990 2030-2040 (Estimated) Ongoing Photograph and observe the universe, conducting major projects and paving the way for innovations in astrophysics [67]
James Webb Space Telescope (JWST or Webb) December 24th, 2021 - Planned Succeed the HST, observing in a lower frequency range which allows photography of much older objects [68]
Kepler telescope March 7th, 2009 November 15th, 2018 Completed Detect and investigate potentially habitable planets, observe other stars with solar systems and estimate the size of those systems [69]
Roentgen Satellite (ROSAT) June 1st, 1990 February 12th, 1999 Completed Survey the sky using X-rays, observing selected objects [70]
Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory (Swift) November 20th, 2004 - Ongoing Discover the origin of gamma ray bursts and use them to understand young parts of the universe, as well as act as a general radiation observatory [71]
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) December 14th, 2009 February 17th, 2011 Completed Image 99% of the sky using infrared cameras [72]
NEOWISE (Near Earth Object WISE) December 19th, 2013 - Ongoing An extension of the WISE project, aiming to search for and catalogue various near Earth objects (NEOs) [73]


Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
Voyager Program (Voyager 2) August 20th, 1977 2025 (Estimated) Ongoing Imaging the outer planets of the solar system, conducting studies of the two ice giants (Uranus and Neptune) and exploring the interstellar medium outside the solar system [74]


Name Start Date End Date Status Objective NASA Overview
Magellan May 4th, 1989 October 13th, 1994 Completed Map the surface of Venus and measure its gravitational field [75]
Pioneer Program (Pioneer 12 and 13) May 20th, 1978 December 9, 1978 Completed Study the surface and atmosphere of Venus [76]


NASA's list of solar system missions