Scioly Members Going to Nationals

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Scioly Members Going to Nationals

Post by starpug »

I thought it might be nice to have a list of people from who are going to be at nationals.

Since I am too lazy to go through the entire forum to find out who's from what school, it would be easier if you guys just told me your School, State, (and events if you want to know who on the board you are going to be competing against). Of course this is all optional, you don't have to be on the list

The format for how I want you to give me the info, seperated by commas only (so all I have to do is copy and paste it) Username, State (No abbreviations), School, Events

B Division
rfscoach, Georgia, Fulton Science Academy Middle School, Event Coach (solar system, meteorology)

redreading249, Massachusetts, Coolidge Middle School, Fossils, Wright Stuff, Write It Do It

HappySciencePie, New York, PJ Gelinas JHS, Optics

Gyourkoshaven, Pennsylvania, Strath Haven Middle School, Compute This, Dynamic Planet, Junkyard Challenge, Meteorology, Pentathlon.
haven chuck, Pennsylvania, Strath Haven Middle School, Junkyard Challenge, Cant Judge a Powder, Science Crimebusters, Trajectory, Physical Science Lab
Eyeball138,Pennsylvania, Strath Haven Middle School, Experimental Design, Dynamic Planet, Road Scholar
Denmarksoccer,Pennsylvania, Strath Haven Middle School, Disease Detectives, Bio-Process Lab, Road Scholar, and Penthathlon.
Arthur,Pennsylvania, Strath Haven Middle School, Anatomy, Bio-Process Lab, Elevated Bridge, and Write It Do It
tclme elmo, Pennsylvania, Strath Haven Middle School, Experimental Design, Pentathlon
eta150,Pennsylvania, Bala Cynwyd Middle School, Wright Stuff, Elevated Bridge, Experimental Design, Disease Detectives, and Pentathlon
frogzorz, Pennsylvania, Bala Cynwyd Middle School, Can't Judge a Powder, Science Crime Busters (tentative)
lakeSUPERIOR, Pennsylvania, Bala Cynwyd Middle School, Ecology, Solar System, Write it Do it, Experimental Design, Pentathalon
ichaelm, Pennsylvania, Bala Cynwyd Middle School, Disease Detectives, Shock Value, Trajectory, Bio Process Lab, Pentathlon, Physics Lab, Junkyard Challenge
doctor, Pennsylvania, Bala Cynwyd Middle School, Anatomy, Meteorology, Compute this, Pentathlon, Wright Stuff

blufoster6, South Carolina, Bell Street Middle School, Bio-Process Lab, Dynamic Planet, Experimental Design, Pentathlon

Robotman09, Texas, Riverwood Junior High School, Battery Buggy,Can't Judge a Powder, Compute This, Dynamic Planet, Meteorology, Science Crimebusters
Rocketman1555, Texas, Riverwood Junior High School, Event Coach
Srsvball95, Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Disease Detectives, Write it Do it, Wright Stuff
WolfHunt, Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Battery Buggy, Shock Value, Physical Science Lab, Model This, Compute This
w0607858, Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Ecology, Ornithology
kidneyfailure52, Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Alternate
Lily Essence, Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Ornithology, Road Scholar, Trajectory
chill, Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Can't Judge a Powder, Meteorology, Pentathlon
V2, Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Anatomy, Dynamic Planet, Junkyard Challenge, Pentathlon
Sunshine,Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Ecology, Experimental Design, Fossils
kidneyfailure53, Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Compute This, Dynamic Planet, Physical Science Lab, Shock Value
Juce7, Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Anatomy, Meteorology, Pentathlon
freakofnature17, Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Battery Buggy, Can't Judge a Powder, Road Scholar, Trajectory
Gujju Builder, Texas, Beckendorff Junior High School, Disease Detectives, Elevated Bridge, Experimental Design

Bubblebrian, Wisconsin, Hamilton Middle School, Bio-Process Lab, Disease Detectives, Experimental Design, Meteorology, Pentathlon

C Division
E Edgar, Indiana, Bloomington High School South, Astronomy, Fossils, Physics Lab, Technical Problem Solving

Starpug, Maine, Waterville High School, Egg-O-Naut, Trajectory, Chemistry Lab, Environment Chemistry, Forensics

Paradox21, Minnesota, Eastview High School, Anatomy, Technical Problem Solving, Mousetrap Vehicle, Mission Possble, Ornithology, Ecology
Jazzy009, Minnesota, Eastview High School, Forensics, Fossils, Write It Do It, Mission Possible, Egg-O-Naut
Evbassboy13, Minnesota, Eastview High School, Elevated Bridge, Environment Chemistry

sj, New Jersey, West Windsor Plainsboro High School South, Egg-o-naut, Trajectory, Elevated Bridge

AustinRHL, New Mexico, Albuquerque Academy, Chemistry Lab, Cell Biology, Forensics, Environmental Chemistry

Phenylethylamine, New York, Ward Melville High School
pjgscioisamazing, New York, Ward Melville High School, Astronomy, Dynamic Planet, Remote Sensing

Deeisenberg, Pennsylvannia, Harriton High School, Ornithology, Fossils
Sean9Keenan, Pennsylvannia, Harriton High School, Trajectory, Egg O Naut, Mousetrap Vehicle, Mission Possible, It's About Time, Physics Lab, Technical Problem Solving
nejanimb, Pennsylvannia, Harriton High School, Elevated Bridge, Disease Detectives, Technical Problem Solving, Experimental Design, Physics Lab, Trajectory, Picture This
Settle Down, Pennsylvannia, Harriton High School, Ornithology, Fossils, Dynamic Planet, Remote Sensing

Harryk, Texas, Cypress Woods High School
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Re: Scioly Members Going to Nationals

Post by AustinRHL »

I'm quite aware that I'm new to the forum and nobody knows me, and that my school isn't going to compete for a top-ten overall placing (although I do expect a top-ten finish in one or two events), but I might as well post anyway.

AustinRHL, New Mexico, Albuquerque Academy, Chemistry Lab, Cell Biology, Forensics, Environmental Chemistry
Last edited by AustinRHL on Fri May 07, 2010 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Albuquerque Academy '10, University of Chicago '14
State: Chemistry Lab 1st, Cell Biology 1st, Ecology 1st, Environmental Chemistry 2nd
Nationals: Chemistry Lab 32nd, Cell Biology 4th, Environmental Chemistry 5th, Forensics 37th
It's hard to accept that for me, there isn't a next year.
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Re: Scioly Members Going to Nationals

Post by starpug »

It's ok Austin, if I'm lucky we'll be in the top 30 :P

Anyone is welcome to add their name to list, regardless of expected placing.
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Re: Scioly Members Going to Nationals

Post by gyourkoshaven »

Gyourkoshaven, Strath Haven Middle School, Pennsylvania-Compute This, Dynamic Planet, Junkyard Challenge, Meteorology, Pentathlon.
Strath Haven MS:
2008: Regionals-3, States-5
2009: Regionals-2, States-4
2010: Regionals-1, States-2, Nationals-19 :)
2011 (Co-captain): Regionals-1, States-1, Nationals-11 :D

Nationals: Aquifers-37, Compute This-13, Dynamic Planet-25, Ecology-6, Experimental Design-7, Junkyard-33

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Re: Scioly Members Going to Nationals

Post by AustinRHL »

starpug wrote:It's ok Austin, if we're lucky we'll be in the top 30 :P
There's absolutely no reason to be ashamed of placing in the middle of the field at Nationals; the level of competition is unbelievably high. And we only do as "well" as we do because we're pushed hard by two other teams that we consistently only barely beat each year at State. If your school has gone to nationals for fifteen years consecutively, then clearly there's little competition, and the fact is that across an entire team, a personal drive to excel is never as strong as the incentive to "make the cut" and beat everyone else at State. Attesting to that assertion is the observation that states with few teams, like Oregon and Maryland, which you would expect to have fierce competition because of the large number of intelligent and driven students, consistently place poorly at the national level.
Albuquerque Academy '10, University of Chicago '14
State: Chemistry Lab 1st, Cell Biology 1st, Ecology 1st, Environmental Chemistry 2nd
Nationals: Chemistry Lab 32nd, Cell Biology 4th, Environmental Chemistry 5th, Forensics 37th
It's hard to accept that for me, there isn't a next year.
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Re: Scioly Members Going to Nationals

Post by starpug »

AustinRHL wrote:
starpug wrote:It's ok Austin, if we're lucky we'll be in the top 30 :P
There's absolutely no reason to be ashamed of placing in the middle of the field at Nationals; the level of competition is unbelievably high. And we only do as "well" as we do because we're pushed hard by two other teams that we consistently only barely beat each year at State. If your school has gone to nationals for fifteen years consecutively, then clearly there's little competition, and the fact is that across an entire team, a personal drive to excel is never as strong as the incentive to "make the cut" and beat everyone else at State. Attesting to that assertion is the observation that states with few teams, like Oregon and Maryland, which you would expect to have fierce competition because of the large number of intelligent and driven students, consistently place poorly at the national level.
I'm not ashamed, heck I'm just happy to be going with all the things that have happened.
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Re: Scioly Members Going to Nationals

Post by haven chuck »

haven chuck- Strath Haven Middle School, Pennsylvania- Junkyard Challenge, Cant Judge a Powder, Science Crimebusters, Trajectory, Physical Science Lab

And robotman: It seems like you'll be in 5/6 of your events with either gyourkoshaven or I :lol:
2010 Can't Judge a Powder- NATIONAL CHAMPIONS
2010 Science Crimebusters- 3rd in the NATION
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Re: Scioly Members Going to Nationals

Post by robotman »

haven chuck wrote:haven chuck- Strath Haven Middle School, Pennsylvania- Junkyard Challenge, Cant Judge a Powder, Science Crimebusters, Trajectory, Physical Science Lab

And robotman: It seems like you'll be in 5/6 of your events with either gyourkoshaven or I :lol:
Seams that way
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Re: Scioly Members Going to Nationals

Post by pjgscioisamazing »

pjgscioisamazing, New York, Ward Melville High School, Astronomy, Dynamic Planet, Remote Sensing
2007-2012. Paul J Gelinas Jr High and Ward Melville High School

Astronomy, Rocks & Minerals, MagLev, Dynamic Planet (E&V), Anatomy (Circulatory), Reach for the Stars, Meteorology (Climate), Remote Sensing, Disease Detectives, Metric Mastery, Pentathlon, Balloon Race, Tower Building
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Re: Scioly Members Going to Nationals

Post by eyeball138 »

Eyeball138- Strath Haven Middle School, PA, Experimental Design, Dynamic Planet, Road Scholar
My SHMS Team Results:
Regionals- 3rd
States- 5th

Regionals- 3rd
States- 5th

Regionals- 2nd
States- 4th

Regionals- 1st
States- 2nd
Nationals- 19th

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