Hi everyone! I was the test writer and event supervisor for
Codebusters and
Cybersecurity for last week’s Yosemite Invitational. Congratulations to all teams that competed!
Thank you to
Cruz for hosting this invitational, as well as all of the volunteers, event supervisors, and test writers for helping out.
Average: 3009
Maximum: 9051
Median: 2575.46
STDev: 2160
Overall, this score distribution was skewed to the right, but I’m glad that the test was able to separate the medaling teams. No team fully scored the test, but MSJ solved every question with one error.
The test, key, and score distribution can be found here:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
Cybersecurity (Thank you to
PMPuns for writing this test with me!)
Average: 44.93 (28%)
Maximum: 130 (81%)
Median: 42.84
STDev: 27.82
I was extremely impressed by Great Neck South A, who solved not only all of the programming hands-on questions, but also the only team that solved all of the cryptography hands-on questions! This test was slightly harder than I planned for, but overall, I was glad that the score distribution came out well.
The test, key, and score distribution can be found here:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
If you’d like to give feedback for either test, you can either email me at
allenchangscioly@gmail.com, or message me on Discord at AC#9999. Thank you to everyone who competed, and congratulations!