Location: United States
The game master. They create the clues and make kills. Their identity is hidden but will be revealed (thus ending the game) if they are correctly accused.
The leading players of the game. Officers may make accusation, protections, and resurrections. Officers must be active participants in discussing and solving the clues. Two rounds of inactivity will initiate a vote to remove them from their position.
The secondary players of the game. They may discuss and solve the clues, but lack the power to make an accusation, protection, or resurrection.
The victims of kills. They are not allowed to discuss ID clues or future Kill clues once they are dead.
Each game cycle. Each round will feature at least one Kill clue and one ID clue. Each round begins approximately every 48 hours, unless otherwise stated.
A Kill clue will hint towards the identity of an active Scioly.org user. Kill clues indicate who will be killed next by the Assassinator. If there are two targets in one round, it will be clearly stated, either upfront or hidden along with the clue(s).
An ID clue will hint towards the identity of the Assassinator. Early clues will be more difficult or even impossible to solve. They may require information to be collected over several rounds to be solved. They will primarily be posted in the signature, although this is not a strict rule.
Each round, every officer will have the opportunity to make one accusation about the identity of the Assassinator. Each accusation will cost one point. The accusation will immediately kill whomever the subject is (if they are already dead, ignore this step). If the accusation targets an innocent person, they will be killed and become among the dead. If the accusation targets the Assassinator, the game is won.
Each round, every officer will have the opportunity to protect any single scioly.org user from the Assassinator's attempt to kill. If the protection correctly protects the target of the Kill clue, the protecting officer will earn one point.
Each round, every officer will have the opportunity to revive anyone who is dead. A resurrection costs two points. If they resurrected was formerly an officer, they do NOT retain the points they had prior to their death.
Each round, a user will be targeted by the Assassinator with the Kill clue. If they are not protected by at least one officer, they will be killed and become dead.
Officers can earn points via making correct accusations, as well as if the Assassinator chooses to award extra points. Points may be spent to resurrect the dead or make accusations. Points are transferable, but each officer may only make a net transfer of one point (giving or receiving) per round. Officers start with zero points.
- Unless requested otherwise, the first five people to reply will be officers. Officers inactive for two or more rounds may be voted off by the remaining officers by a simple majority. If an officer is voted out or steps down, their points are transferred to their replacement.
- Many will die. This includes staff, officers, and civilians. Dead officers lose all their points. The dead may NOT make posts which aid in solving active or future Kill clues or any ID clues. They may solve or work through older kill clues, including the one that led to their death. The dead may NOT circumvent this rule by discussing clues on other threads, in the Discord, in private messages, or any other sort of communication that may spoil the game.
- Any and all scioly.org users may fully participate except those already aware of my identity. Those who are aware may only solve kill clues, not ID clues.
- Rounds will typically start in the mid-afternoon (no guarantees) and feature at least one kill clue and at least one ID clue. Protections, accusations, and resurrections from the previous round will be addressed as well.
- Officers are limited to three total accusations, at a cost of one point per accusation. Accusations require reasoning and cannot be shot into the dark. The Assassinator wins if all officers run out of accusations or all die.
- The same person may not be protected and accused in the same round.
- Hints may be given by the Assassinator should the clues turn out to be excessively difficult or poorly written. Questions which raise concerns that may affect the flow of the game will also be answered as soon as possible.
Code: Select all
The first Kill clue has already been given. Have fun!