JoeyC wrote:Takuramen if you REALLY wish to buy aerogels you can find blanket type ones like Pyrogel heretakuramen89 wrote:Hello I came here because I have a few questions
1). i see aerogels are a abig thing for thermo, but im confused because i see alot of pictures of them seeing them in a pebble like form but i also see picture of it being one sheet. How exactly do aerogels work?
2).in the rules it says the beaker has to be roughly ratio'ed at 1.4 times the diameter, ive been looking all around abd the closest ive seen is 1.2 , does anyone know where i can buy one with that ratio?
make sure they're hydrophobic (waterproof) or else it will catastrophically degrade. But a small been said by others, the test and prediction is more important to your score.
Edit: I have been informed by Alex RHC that many contain fiberglass so read the MDS closely
Yes, this aero-gel "blanket" does contain fiberglass, which is forbidden by the event rules. We did not purchase this product for this very reason.