We've Got Your Number

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We've Got Your Number (WGYN) is a trial event that has been run in Texas every year for both Division B and Division C since 2012.


WGYN is a math based event in which teams of 2 are given 2 sets of 4 numbers each. These sets may contain duplicate numbers (i.e 2 3 7 7). With these numbers, competitors must write as many as possible of the integers from 1 through 100 as expressions using all of the given digits. In each expression, all given digits must be used exactly as many times as they appear in the set. The algebraic order of operations (PEMDAS) will be taken into account. Decimal points are not allowed since these are whole number operations. The following operations and their respective symbols are allowed:

  • Addition (+)
  • Subtraction (-)
  • Multiplication (X, *, parentheses (), and implied multiplication [i.e [math]\displaystyle{ 5\log_{3}9 }[/math]]. Dots ([math]\displaystyle{ \cdot }[/math]) are not allowed)
  • Division (/ or horizontal fraction bars [i.e [math]\displaystyle{ \frac{8}{4} }[/math]]. The division symbol (÷) is not allowed)
  • Exponentiation (caret (^) or superscript [[math]\displaystyle{ 4^3 }[/math]]. Negative exponents are not allowed)
  • Writing single digits together to form a multi-digit number (i.e combining 2 and 3 to create 23).

Additionally, Division C competitors may use:

  • Factorial (!)
  • Logarithm (The base must be formed as part of the use of the supplied digits, including logarithms base ten)


  • Given digits 2, 3, 4, 9, the number 26 can be expressed as 234/9.
  • Given digits 2, 3, 3, 5, the number 37 can be expressed as [math]\displaystyle{ 3^3+5(2) }[/math] and 33 can be expressed as [math]\displaystyle{ 2^5+3/3 }[/math].


Note: While on the top of the rules it states the approximate time being 50 minutes, competitors receive 40 minutes to complete both sets.

Each expression that correctly represents a number will score 1 point, for a maximum score of 200. Each incorrect expression will result in a 1 point deduction. Incorrect expressions may include: numerically incorrect expressions, illegible expressions, expressions that fail to contain each given digit the correct number of times, expressions without equal number of right and left parentheses, expressions using illegal operation symbols, and multiple expressions for the same integer answer. Blank answers and scratched out answers have no effect on the score. Ties will be broken by comparing papers to see which as the most correct expressions for 100 (among the possible 2). If the tie is not broken, the expressions for 99 will be compared, and so forth. If the tie is not broken for all 100 numbers (which is very unlikely), the highest numbered expressions on which the papers differ will be compared, with the advantage given to the more creative solution in the opinion of the officials.

Participants still writing after time expires will be penalized 1 point for each 5 seconds elapsing until pencils are put away. Possession of a calculator will result in disqualification.


Division B
Division C