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"give me five tons of potatoes and i'll make the world" - CZhou

Team Captain on Jeffrey Trail 2019 Science Olympiad team.


uncommitted violinist who doesn't study scioly all that much. also does MATHCOUNTS (which raises her uncommittedness to a whole new level). our MATHCOUNTS team is carried by CZhou but she needs to do better on target round- user: RyanNavilius (oof yes - user: CZhou)"Ryan, *cough cough*" - 502794

got into orange county countdown as individual and ryannavilius didn't haha

has paltry achievements (personally, she believes her greatest achievement is a hundred percent on a clauses test, which says much about her accomplishments in life).

also recently watched anime for the first time ever ("Naruto" and "Ouran High School Host Club"). "Naruto" was weird, but "Ouran High School Host Club" was really funny if not anything else.

her favorite book is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte (alias "Ellis Bell") with We Were Liars by E. Lockhart following at close second, and she totally didn't cry when reading both. has questionable reading tastes.

Events 2018

was on Team 2 throughout the year, competing in Potions and Poisons and Microbe Mission for all three invitationals, Wright Stuff for Lader Vista, and Fast Facts for Mesa Robles and Kraemer Inv.

(track record in order of invitational)

Density Lab (TRIAL at Nationals) - DNP

Fast Facts - DNC, DNP, 5th

Microbe Mission - 6th, DNP, 5th

Potions and Poisons - 4th, DNP, 4th

Wright Stuff - 5th, DNC, DNC

Events 2019

having realized she was completely useless at engineering events from experience the year before, she decided to quit them altogether =D

Kraemer Scrimmage was individual comp.

was on Team 1 for Ladera Vista Invitational, competed in all four events

was on Team 1 for Carmel Valley Invitational, competed in all four events

was on Team 1 for Mesa Robles Invitational, competed in all four events

was on Team 1 for Kraemer Invitational, competed in all four events

was on Team 1 for OC regional (there was only one team anyway), competed in all four events

Code Busters - 1st, 4th, 5th, 2nd, 3rd, DNP

Density Lab - 1st, 1st, 4th, DNP, DNP, 1st

Heredity - 3rd, 1st, 6th, DNP, 3rd, 3rd

Potions and Poisons - 1st, 2nd, 6th, 5th, 5th, 1st