Talk:Severe Storms/Winter Storms

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Is the information about protecting oneself from blizzard relevant? The rule doesn't seem to mentino it, but focuses on observation, identification, facts about storms, with specific data from storms. --Raxu (talk) 18:00, 18 August 2017 (UTC)

Based on what I can see, it could theoretically fall under "weather safety". It's also something that sometimes gets thrown into tests whether it's included in the rules or not. It's kind of just a thing worth keeping around as long as it's not hurting (which hopefully now that it's been cut down, it isn't). EastStroudsburg13 (talk) 02:32, 19 August 2017 (UTC)

I am probably going to work on making the list more compact and organized (since it appears to be a little dense). 49ers (talk) 12:16, 5 February 2018 (UTC)

Special Topic

I do not have a rule set, but could someone let me know what exactly the special topic was for 2017 so I can more fully understand what needs to be in the section and what doesn't? 49ers (talk) 00:24, 11 February 2018 (UTC)

The special topics were about "current" weather events. To one relevant to winter storms was about the "Snowzilla" storm of January 2016, so that is the one being addressed on this page. I don't think there was anything specific teams needed to know about the events, other than having a general knowledge base about the causes, characteristics, and impacts of the event. EastStroudsburg13 (talk) 21:23, 11 February 2018 (UTC)

Ok that makes sense. In that case, should we consider removing the information about the Snowzilla storm? Or consider moving it somewhere? It seems unnecessary to list the event if it doesn't specifically need to be studied for. 49ers (talk) 05:27, 3 March 2018 (UTC) (EDIT:) This would also clear the page from clean-up if either action were taken.