Olympiad Achievement List
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This article is just for fun. It is not official and is not related to the National Science Olympiad, any official tournaments or events, or teams that compete at those tournaments. Instead, this page is satirical or details an event on |
- This wiki page is about unofficial Achievements. For Forum achievements, see History#Achievements.
The Science Olympiad Achievement List is an unofficial list of various achievements made up by Science Olympiad forums members. It is not an official Science Olympiad program, nor required of forums members. This list is compiled from the Scioly Achievement List Subforum.
Please note that this list of achievements disregards at least some of the meme achievements, such as the Beyonce achievement, and largely is Science Olympiad related. Ok, only a couple of memes...
- ACCESS DENIED ACHIEVEMENT: Have your team beat out all other teams by massive point margins.
- ACCESS GRANTED ACHIEVEMENT: Have your team win first by only 5 points or less.
- AESTHETICS ACHIEVEMENT: Have the prettiest engineering device, regardless of how well it works.
- ANCIENT EGYPT ACHIEVEMENT: Handwrite your whole cheat sheet…
- ANCIENT SUMER ACHIEVEMENT: …on clay tablets.
- ANTI-AESTHETICS ACHIEVEMENT: Have the ugliest engineering device, preferably one held together entirely by tape – ultra bonus points if you end up winning.
- AYUMU ACHIEVEMENT: Memorize a textbook.
- ANTI-STOIC ACHIEVEMENT: Celebrate a win in an event excessively with your teammates.
- NICE ANTI-STOIC ACHIEVEMENT: Support anyone on your team who medalled, regardless of what they placed.
- AT LEAST YOU SHOWED UP ACHIEVEMENT: Get last place in an event.
- BEAT THE CURVE ACHIEVEMENT: Know that you did horribly in an event, but still medal, probably because no one else knew what they were doing either.
- BIOHAZARD ACHIEVEMENT: Compete even while fighting an illness.
- BLIND STAB ACHIEVEMENT: Completely make up a number or term to a free-response question and actually be right.
- BOOKWORM ACHIEVEMENT: Do only study events.
- BUDGET ACHIEVEMENT: Build a functioning device at zero cost. Bonus points if you medal or win.
- BIG SPENDER ACHIEVEMENT: Spend at least 500 dollars on a device. Bonus points if you get beaten by a team with a way cheaper device.
- BEST LOSER: Get 2nd place in every event and have your team win 2nd place at a competition.
- CONSISTENCY ACHIEVEMENT: Get the same placing in the same event at least twice in a row.
- CENTURY ACHIEVEMENT: Obtain 100 medals in your prolific Science Olympiad career.
- CLUTCH ACHIEVEMENT: Start studying for an event 24 hours before competition.
- MEGA-CLUTCH ACHIEVEMENT: Start studying for an event on the day of competition.
- ULTRA-CLUTCH ACHIEVEMENT: Don't start working until the day of Nationals.
- COLD SHOULDER ACHIEVEMENT: You didn't like your teammate, so you gave them the silent treatment and changed whatever they thought the answer was, even if it was right.
- 0 KELVIN SHOULDER ACHIEVEMENT: Become enemies with your partner.
- DARK HORSE ACHIEVEMENT: Place top 10 at nationals as a team and not be mentioned in the Unofficial Rankings thread at all.
- DEAD GIVEAWAY ACHIEVEMENT: Find the answer to a question written in another question on a test.
- DEDICATED ENGINEER ACHIEVEMENT: Do only building events where you build something meant to take weight (Boomilever, Bridge Building, Towers, etc.).
- ENEMY SPY ACHIEVEMENT: Give notes/designs to an enemy team.
- ESPANA ACHIEVEMENT: Get 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th in your events at a meet.
- EULER ACHIEVEMENT: Take a calculation-based test without a calculator.
- EVENT POLYGON ACHIEVEMENT: You are partnered with B, who is partnered with C, and so on…until N is partnered with you. (at least 4 people in total)
- EXTREME AERODYNAMICS ACHIEVEMENT: Do only building events where you build something intended to fly (Elastic Launched Glider, Bottle Rockets, Wright Stuff, etc.).
- EARLY BIRD ACHIEVEMENT: Be the first to finish a test event in your time slot and place 1st.
- ENVIRONMENTALLY CAUTIOUS ACHIEVEMENT: Re-use more than 50% of an old engineering device.
- "F" ACHIEVEMENT: Make a simple mistake at a meet which costs you tons of places and a likely medal.
- FALSE FLEX ACHIEVEMENT: Discuss your top-notch practice scores in loud voices with your partner prior to the event, then utterly fail.
- FEELSBADMAN ACHIEVEMENT: Witness an event supervisor break your or another team's device.
- FLASHY FAILURE ACHIEVEMENT: Fail so spectacularly in a build event that you make the event supervisor's day and don't even feel disappointed.
- FLYING SOLO ACHIEVEMENT: Take a test without a cheat sheet or binder.
- FREELOADER ACHIEVEMENT: Your team places in the top 3, but one or more of your events placed last or close to last.
- GROWTH MINDSET ACHIEVEMENT: Make a serious mistake with a partner early on, then do really well in a later season with the same partner.
- GUESSTIMATION ACHIEVEMENT: Your engineering device did not require the use of a ruler/protractor/standard measurement tool.
- HOST ACHIEVEMENT: Win an event with a completely useless partner.
- HUNGER ACHIEVEMENT: Eat during an event, either your food or that of the event.
- INVITATIONALS RELATIONS ACHIEVEMENT: Make a new friend at an invitational.
- IT WAS THAT EASY? ACHIEVEMENT: A study event in which you have a cheat sheet, but you don't use it at all during the test and get first place (you can look for information, but if you don't find it than this still counts).
- SOMETHING'S WRONG: IT WAS THAT EASY?, but for all of your tests.
- KNOW IT ALL: SOMETHING'S WRONG, and get first place in all events.
- INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ACHIEVEMENT: Make friends with a kid from a different school than you.
- LATE BLOOMER ACHIEVEMENT: Show up late to an event (preferably not intentional) and still manage to get a medal.
- LINGUISTICS ACHIEVEMENT: Figure out the definition of an unfamiliar term solely through your knowledge of root words and other languages.
- LOL ACHIEVEMENT: Be the one who got 1st instead of the rage person.
- LOVE MAKES YOU DUMB ACHIEVEMENT: Don't medal in an event, probably because your significant other was doing that event, too.
- LOVE SHOULDER ACHIEVEMENT: Your teammate became your significant other.
- MIRACLE WORKER ACHIEVEMENT: Place bottom half at regionals and then get top 5 at state.
- MULTIPLE GUESS ACHIEVEMENT: Completely guess an answer for a multiple-choice/matching question and be right.
- METRIC MASTER ACHIEVEMENT: After being in Metric Mastery, you switched from American to Metric system.
- MICHAEL BAY ACHIEVEMENT: Light something on fire during your event.
- MULTIPLES ACHIEVEMENT: Have every place you get at a meet be a multiple of n where n =/= 1 (ex. 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 8th).
- 'MURICA ACHIEVEMENT: Win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the same competition.
- N2 ACHIEVEMENT: Win 3 events with the same partner.
- NATIONAL RELATIONS ACHIEVEMENT: Make a new friend at Nationals.
- NATIONAL SECURITY ACHIEVEMENT: Acquire three or more feet of "TSA INSPECTED" tape on baggage while traveling to a Science Olympiad competition.
- NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT ACHIEVEMENT: Get stopped at the airport during security because one of your builds/lab equipment looks suspicious.
- NEWTON-LEIBNIZ ACHIEVEMENT: The equation (or information) is not on your cheat sheet, so you derive it (or reason it out) during the test.
- NIGHT OWL ACHIEVEMENT: Finish last in your respective event slot, and get first, because you stayed to quadruple check your answers.
- O2 ACHIEVEMENT: Win 2 events with the same partner.
- OOPSIES ACHIEVEMENT: Forget your notes for a test event, but medal anyway, because you're just that good.
- PARASITE ACHIEVEMENT: Win an event as a completely useless partner.
- PARASITE POLYGON ACHIEVEMENT: EVENT POLYGON, but you carry B, who carries C, who carries you.
- PLAYER DOWN ACHIEVEMENT: Sustain an injury at a competition.
- POPULARITY ACHIEVEMENT: Go to more than one invitational in one year.
- POTATO ACHIEVEMENT: Compete in the same event for two years in a row but still stink at it the second year.
- POWER COUPLE ACHIEVEMENT: Medal in an event with your significant other.
- PRINTER ACHIEVEMENT: Medal 1, 2, 4 (bonus points if you somehow get a black ribbon too).
- RAGE ACHIEVEMENT: Actually get first in an event (raw score) but don't get the medal because graders screwed up.
- RAINBOW ACHIEVEMENT: Have a medal of each placement color (typically 1st-6th place, may vary by location) in your collection.
- PARTICIPATION COLLECTION: Have a significant portion of your medal collection come from participation medals.
- REGIONALS RELATIONS ACHIEVEMENT: Make a new friend at Regionals.
- REVENGE ACHIEVEMENT: Have your team beat a team you previously lost to.
- REVERSE ENGINEERING ACHIEVEMENT: Your blueprint or practice log was created after your engineering device was built. Bonus points if you medaled; extra bonus points if you got gold!
- ROMEO AND JULIET ACHIEVEMENT: Your significant other is from an opposing team.
- SAFE SEAT ACHIEVEMENT: Become so dominant in one of your events that everyone (both your team and opponents) know the results before they're announced.
- SLEEP DEPRIVATION ACHIEVEMENT: Fall asleep during your event because you were up WAY too late "studying" for your events.
- SPEED BUILD ACHIEVEMENT: Your engineering device breaks in transit, so you rebuild the whole thing at the competition.
- SPEED REDO ACHIEVEMENT: Accidentally skip a question/station on your answer sheet, so you end up having to redo everything after said question. Bonus points if you medaled; extra bonus points if you got gold!
- SPEEDWRITE ACHIEVEMENT: Finish half of your test or more in the last 15 minutes.
- STATES RELATIONS ACHIEVEMENT: Make a new friend at states.
- STOCK MARKET CRASH ACHIEVEMENT: Get first at Regionals and then tank at State.
- STUDY EVENT PARASITISM ACHIEVEMENT: Use a binder/notes/cheat sheet made by a previous team member instead of your own.
- SUSPENSE ACHIEVEMENT: Have your placements announced in order of worst-to-best(not necessarily alphabetical, just how they announced it, e.g., delays).
- SWEEP ACHIEVEMENT: Win 1st at Regionals, State, and Nationals.
- SCIOLY GUY ACHIEVEMENT: Become the ultimate nerd and join the forums.
- SCRIPPS ACHIEVEMENT: Misspell your own name or your school's name on a test, container, device, etc.
- SEA CUCUMBER ACHIEVEMENT: Have you or a partner consume sand and excrete it somehow during an event...
- SECRET AGENT ACHIEVEMENT: Take pictures of another team's device without their consent.
- SHOCKER ACHIEVEMENT: Find out you need to do another event the day of the tournament.
- SLAY ACHIEVEMENT: Place first in all your events.
- COMMUNAL SLAY ACHIEVEMENT: Have your team finish first in all events, achieving the perfect team score of 23.
- STOIC ACHIEVEMENT: Show no emotion after winning an event, even if you're really happy.
- SURROUNDED BY IDIOTS ACHIEVEMENT: Have an argument with a Coach/Event Supervisor/Competitor that doesn't know what they're doing.
- SWITZERLAND ACHIEVEMENT: Get only 2nd and 3rd in all your events at a meet.
- SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP ACHIEVEMENT: You can't succeed in your event without your partner and your partner also needs you to succeed.
- THE LENGTHS I GO FOR SCIENCE OLYMPIAD ACHIEVEMENT: Work so hard on Science Olympiad that your GPA dips a couple of points...
- TEAM HEIRLOOM ACHIEVEMENT: Your team has a binder/device/notes sheet that gets passed down. Bonus points if it remains unmodified!
- TEAM RELATIONS ACHIEVEMENT: Made friends on your team.
- THE GENEROUS DONOR ACHIEVEMENT: Let someone "borrow" your pencil/ruler/protractor/calculator/notes/salinometer/build.
- THUG LIFE ACHIEVEMENT: Your build event has a construction violation, but you medal anyway because you're that savage.
- UN-STREET SMART ACHIEVEMENT: Get lost on the way to competition/at competition site when trying to find your rooms.
- UNDERCOVER DETECTIVE ACHIEVEMENT: Witness and/or report another team cheating.
- USELESS CALCULATOR ACHIEVEMENT: Scramble to obtain a calculator before a test event, only to not need the calculator at all.
- VIRTUOSO ACHIEVEMENT: Notice an error on a test question, and point it out to the event supervisor.
- WARM SHOULDER ACHIEVEMENT: Became friendlier with the one you cold-shouldered.
- WORK HARD/PLAY HARD ACHIEVEMENT: Win an event having been partying all night before (i.e. pulling an all-nighter at the hotel, not studying, watching Netflix, etc.).
- YAHTZEE ACHIEVEMENT: Get the exact same place in all your events at a competition.
Feel free to add more achievements to the list if you can think of them!