Scioly Assassination 104 Cyborg Invasion
Posted: October 11th, 2013, 6:41 pm
Humanity is currently the greatest race in the world. Their advancements have made them stand above all other natural creatures. Ironically, the downfall of humanity will be caused by unnatural creatures of their own creation. Cyborgs will rise and take over the human civilization, starting with the pathetic and weak members of! All these so called genii will be killed, and their brains will be used to power the next wave of cyborgs. All that protects them are five ameture cyborg hunters.
1. The cyborg master will attempt to kill any member of scioly. Once killed, that member may no longer post on this topic.
2. A clue will be given that shows who is being targeted. Each clue will last for 48 hours, after that, there will be a new cyborg.
3. Each cyborg hunter will be given a chance to protect a member on each clue, if they are correct in their protect, the member will be spared.
4. The cyborg master will continue to kill until 12 members of scioly have been slain, or until the true identity of hte cyborg master is correctly guessed.
5. Only cyborg hunters can accuse a member of being the cyborg master, cyborg hunters collectively share accusations. Any hunter can accuse at any time, assuming there are available accusations.
6. The group of hunters start out with 4 accusations, and that number increases after each correct protection.
7. Obvious rules and rules from the past are assumed.
8. The cyborg master has the right to expand or change these rules.
Good luck, your cyborg hunters are the next five people to post the following phrase: I am stupid, and I will eventually get consumed by cyborgs.
1. The cyborg master will attempt to kill any member of scioly. Once killed, that member may no longer post on this topic.
2. A clue will be given that shows who is being targeted. Each clue will last for 48 hours, after that, there will be a new cyborg.
3. Each cyborg hunter will be given a chance to protect a member on each clue, if they are correct in their protect, the member will be spared.
4. The cyborg master will continue to kill until 12 members of scioly have been slain, or until the true identity of hte cyborg master is correctly guessed.
5. Only cyborg hunters can accuse a member of being the cyborg master, cyborg hunters collectively share accusations. Any hunter can accuse at any time, assuming there are available accusations.
6. The group of hunters start out with 4 accusations, and that number increases after each correct protection.
7. Obvious rules and rules from the past are assumed.
8. The cyborg master has the right to expand or change these rules.
Good luck, your cyborg hunters are the next five people to post the following phrase: I am stupid, and I will eventually get consumed by cyborgs.