Can't Judge A Powder B
Posted: August 4th, 2013, 2:57 pm
You can always go to one of the big online science suppliers, such as Fisher Scientific ( However most common chemicals are available in local stores, just sold under different names. Check out: ... common.htmjma wrote:Where can I buy NaOh & HCL? Thanks
Thanks again!chalker wrote:You can always go to one of the big online science suppliers, such as Fisher Scientific ( However most common chemicals are available in local stores, just sold under different names. Check out: ... common.htmjma wrote:Where can I buy NaOh & HCL? Thanks
They can give you any powder really. Sometimes, they could give NaCl but usually they just give some copper containing compound because the color isn't white. You can practice with anything really; sugar, baking powder, cornstarch, or any other powder that you can find in your house. Also, for practicing with chemicals, you can use any liquid-like substance in your house. We used soap or Pine-Sol on more than one occasion and it makes for great practice.siri wrote:Where can we buy chemicals(salts/powders) for testing? What salts are usually used? Any help is appreciated.
There is a store afiliated with Science Olympiad that sells powders for Crime and Can't Judge. Check soinc for the link?siri wrote:Where can we buy chemicals(salts/powders) for testing? What salts are usually used? Any help is appreciated.