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Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly
Posted: August 3rd, 2023, 8:00 pm
by Assassinator
Before the last of summer fades away, the community of decides to take a trip. What kind of trip? Well, many members decided on a camping trip, taking a break from being online and focusing on the great outdoors.
There is one catch, though. The campgrounds are…haunted.
Welcome to Assassinator game #165.
1) This is a standard Assassinator game, meaning there will be one (1) Assassinator.
2) Please post official accusations and protections on this thread only.
3) Only one officer may post or protect per clue.
4) The number of kills for the Assassinator to win is 6, but this number goes down with each incorrect accusation.
5) Incorrect accusations will be killed.
6) A clue about who will be killed will be given roughly every two days.
7) There may be hints revealing Assassinator’s identity. Which ones point to Assassinator? That is up to you to decide.
8) Dead people may not help solve clues.
Below is an officer clue. The first four (4) people to message me on either the Forums or the Discord will become officers.
While you are sitting on the bus going to the campgrounds, your mother sends a text message:
Interesting message. Clearly it isn’t English… could you figure out what she is trying to say?
Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly
Posted: August 3rd, 2023, 8:01 pm
by gtj3
....that was fast....
Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly
Posted: August 3rd, 2023, 8:21 pm
by sc95837
I love the use of "one (1)"
"incorrect accusations will be killed"
Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly
Posted: August 3rd, 2023, 8:54 pm
by Assassinator
Thiamazole ([redacted]), Aashay (failingforestry), sc95837 (notabirdsaurus), and treesdea (JASPS OLD braincellasaurus) have been confirmed as officers.
The kill clue will be posted tomorrow (August 4) at 00:00 UTC. Good luck.
Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly
Posted: August 4th, 2023, 4:58 am
by LittleMissNyan
What are the officers' forums accounts? I know shrey/notabirdasaurus is sc95837 but I forgot the others
oh wait yeah I need to go set up another discord archive file. please hold
Archive link
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!!CHANGED AGAIN!! Estimated archive times are around 7 am and 9 pm. maybe. school goes brr
Anyone who depends on these logs, if you'd like archives more often/at other times PM me and I'll see what I can do
Last updated: 9:20 pm EDT on 8/31/23
Officer forums accounts (strikethroughs are dead)
- Shrey Chaudhary#4243 (notabirdasaurus) is sc95837
- @deasert_willow (JASPS OLD braincellasaurus) is treesdea
- @thiamazole ([redacted]) is Thiamazole
- @endecophagy (failingforestry) is Aashay
- @B!tterF!re#2258 (MidFloat) is Kalimantan28
- @kokonattsu (ryusaurus) is kokonattsu
hi sassy thanks for kidnapping this info onto your own post haha
Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly
Posted: August 4th, 2023, 9:58 am
by treesdea
LittleMissNyan wrote: ↑August 4th, 2023, 4:58 am
What are the officers' forums accounts? I know shrey/notabirdasaurus is sc95837 but I forgot the others
oh wait yeah I need to go set up another discord archive file. please hold
Archive link
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Estimated archive times: around 8 am and 10 pm EDT
Last updated: 8:01 am EDT on 8/4/23
- Shrey Chaudhary#4243 (notabirdasaurus) is sc95837
- @deasert_willow (JASPS OLD braincellasaurus) is treesdea
- @thiamazole ( [redacted] ) is Thiamazole
- failingforestry is (waiting on response)
Failingforestry responded; Aashay
Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly
Posted: August 4th, 2023, 10:00 am
by treesdea
I had to sadly break my curfew set out by Shrey's Sleeping Bootcamp to solve the officer clue. Worth it though!
Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly
Posted: August 4th, 2023, 4:20 pm
by Assassinator
I had something come up earlier, so the clue will be postponed to August 5, 00:00 EDT.
Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly
Posted: August 4th, 2023, 9:00 pm
by Assassinator
The campers arrive at the campsite. The camp counselor assigns them to cabins, reading out the names of everyone in each, then everybody is dismissed to unpack.
A opens the door to cabin 18, then discusses who should get what bed with their cabinmates. A finally chooses the bed in the corner by the window. Exhausted, they collapse on the bed.
Something feels... off, though. What was that weird lump under their-
The bluish-green snake unexpectedly strikes, sinking its long fangs into A’s arm. A screams in pure agony, trying to pry it off their arm, but it just would not let go.
A panics, breathing heavily and trying so desperately to get the creature off their arm.
A’s cabinmates notice and immediately rush them to the camp nurse. The nurse shakes her head, saying there is no cure for bites of this particular species. Whether A lived or died was up to the fates…
The kill will happen on August 7, 00:00 UTC.
Re: Scioly Assassination 165: Camp Scioly
Posted: August 4th, 2023, 10:25 pm
by sc95837
Someone mentioned "the fates" so it could be referring to percy jackson's camp half-blood
camp half-blood's apparently in long island so that might mean something
Terrapin says that looking up bluish green snakes brings me to white lipped island pit vipers, and there's apparently "no species-specific antivenom available for bite victims, which is found mostly in Indonesia; Tim is Indonesian
Snakes have venom, so might be a reference to Venom??