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Possible 2022 Events

Posted: April 6th, 2021, 11:56 am
by kman1234t
The SOSI schedule was released and it is quite confusing.
Wright Stuff was not bolded, possibly implying that it was staying for C, and Electric WS was coming in for B. Any thoughts on why they would have Wright Stuff for a 3rd year in Div C (4th with replay)?

Edit: A new version was released that does have the divisions, confirming the below statements. ... le0409.pdf

One possible arrangement of the event slate:
Potential 2022 Event Slate.jpg
Potential 2022 Event Slate.jpg (70.96 KiB) Viewed 12277 times
Division C:
Anatomy & Physiology
Cell Biology
Chem Lab
Detector Building
Disease Detectives
Dynamic Planet
Environmental Chemistry
Experimental Design
Gravity Vehicle
Green Generation
It's About Time
Ping Pong Parachute
Remote Sensing
Rocks & Minerals
WiFi Lab
Wright Stuff
Write It Do It

Division B:
Anatomy & Physiology
Bio Process Lab
Crave the Wave
Crime Busters
Disease Detectives
Dynamic Planet
Electric Wright Stuff
Experimental Design
Food Science
Green Generation
Mission Possible
Moustrap Vehicle
Ping Pong Parachute
Road Scholar
Rocks & Minerals
Solar System
Sounds of Music
Storm the Castle
Write It Do It

Re: Possible 2022 Events

Posted: April 6th, 2021, 12:16 pm
by RiverWalker88
Merely some suspicions, this is NOT necessarily what's going on:
Another year on codebusters, even though it was fated to rotate out last year. I assume this is because there isn't a ready replacement for it yet (although there are a number of them in the works) and that Game On C has had... a bit of an unpopular reputation. This might also be the reason for Wright Stuff sticking around? SOINC might to keep it in until some of the other trial flight events (which, undoubtedly, have not been hugely tested this past year) have a chance to replace it. It might also have a significant rule change, making the event very different but keeping the general concept the same?

Edit: Wright Stuff being kept around might have something to do with the new sponsorship by the NFSS.

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Re: Possible 2022 Events

Posted: April 6th, 2021, 2:01 pm
by Unome
I would also imagine that Codebusters is staying because Inquiry has historically had a tough time finding well-received events for those two rotations. As for Wright Stuff, that rotation has been going in unexpected directions in recent years so I'm not too sure what's up with that. I'm surprised to see Enviro Chem in rotation already, as I wasn't aware that it was this far into trialing.

Re: Possible 2022 Events

Posted: April 6th, 2021, 3:18 pm
by Umaroth
Unome wrote: April 6th, 2021, 2:01 pm I would also imagine that Codebusters is staying because Inquiry has historically had a tough time finding well-received events for those two rotations. As for Wright Stuff, that rotation has been going in unexpected directions in recent years so I'm not too sure what's up with that. I'm surprised to see Enviro Chem in rotation already, as I wasn't aware that it was this far into trialing.
Just wanted to point out that Envirochem had been run before in 2009 and 2010, so I don't think it would require as much trialing as new trials.

Re: Possible 2022 Events

Posted: April 6th, 2021, 6:23 pm
by jgrischow1
Whoa...quite different from the last version...

-Machines being rotated out after only a year (not counting the replay)?
-Road Scholar staying, despite the initial fears (or joys, depending on your perspective) it would be rotated out for Awesome Aquifers?
-Reach for the Stars being rotated out after only a year (not counting the replay) and going back to Solar System?

Re: Possible 2022 Events

Posted: April 6th, 2021, 8:33 pm
by RiverWalker88
I'm slightly sad about machines, but the physics committee probably decided that it was its time--from past discussion, it seems like WiFi Lab has been ready to be in for a while, and the committee probably didn't want to re-run machines (it wasn't a super popular event, and they probably wanted to keep the two-year cycle as best they could).

I would assume the same about Reach for the Stars, the Earth/Space Science committee was trying to keep the space sciences rotating, especially as RFTS wasn't very affected by being virtual this year, so there really isn't point in running it three years (very curious about the topic this for Solar System this year, it could be really, really cool or fairly cool, depending on what is chosen).

Not sure about Road Scholar. I don't really have speculations other than perhaps not wanting to throw Awesome Aquifers in with the looming threat of the not-quite-finished pandemic (it looks SUPER impractical to run in an online setting), or not wanting to throw this (kinda weird) event in while everyone is recovering from pandemic mode.

Also, it looks like the tech committee is looking for simpler names. Tower Building --> Towers and now Bridge Building/Elevated Bridge --> Bridges. Kind of an interesting change.

Again, all speculations. Just kind of finding interest in musing about event rotations. I'm certainly excited for 2022, nonetheless.

Re: Possible 2022 Events

Posted: April 6th, 2021, 9:30 pm
by Unome
Ah, yeah there was that discussion about Machines, I'd forgotten about that. I don't know if I should comment publically, so I'll leave it at that. The reason isn't too hard to understand though.

Re: Possible 2022 Events

Posted: April 7th, 2021, 2:38 pm
by Giantpants
Unome wrote: April 6th, 2021, 9:30 pm Ah, yeah there was that discussion about Machines, I'd forgotten about that. I don't know if I should comment publically, so I'll leave it at that. The reason isn't too hard to understand though.
I'm probably just out of the loop, and if you aren't allowed to comment then obviously don't haha, but looking at the event slate in a vacuum, if they are gonna remove Machines after one year of play (2020) and one year of replay (2021) then wouldn't Ornithology follow suit?

I just find it a little odd that they wouldn't replace the ID event which has already been around for 2 years. Considering they were both events for the same amount of time, the event built upon learning everything there is to know about a finite list (which ofc idk how much is changing) seems like a far better candidate to be replaced than the lab event which covers such a large branch of physics like mechanics.

Then again, I also don't know what discussion you speak of, so my opinion may be incomplete and misinformed, so take with a grain of salt as always haha

Re: Possible 2022 Events

Posted: April 8th, 2021, 5:38 am
by vehicleguy
I just don't get this whole thing with keeping wright stuff in another year. Hopefully they provide some rationale for that eventually.

I mean, it could also be a mistake in the schedule ig, but I doubt it since we thought that last year.

Re: Possible 2022 Events

Posted: April 9th, 2021, 10:48 am
by aakoala
When will the topics of each event (ie Dynamic Planet: Tectonics, or Meteorology: Climate) be announced?