Wright Stuff Flying and Learning Opportunity
Posted: April 2nd, 2021, 9:33 am
The National Free Flight Society (NFFS) will host a Science Olympiad day at the NFFS/AMA Nationals in Pontiac MI, Wednesday July 21. The day will start with seminars presented by Coach Brian and Coach Chuck. Then you will have opportunity to fly your ELG, Wright Stuff, and P18 planes in a 65-foot ceiling, while receiving help from the coaches and other well-known indoor flyers! If you did not get to fly your 2020-2021 builds in a competitive environment, this is a great opportunity.
Information and Registration for up to two coaches and two students per team is available at https://freeflight.org/join-learn-fly/s ... r-worksho/
In addition, we will host several ZOOM seminars, including:
April 17, 4pm EDT: Helicopter Rubber Motor Winding & Flying by Coach Brian, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83271400267?p ... RHTFV4Zz09
June 13, 1-4pm EDT: P-18 build-along workshop. Register with Michigan SO by May 14 at pvoydanoff@solake.org. The first 20 Michigan students to register will receive a P18 kit to build at the seminar!
Coach Chuck
Coach Brian
Information and Registration for up to two coaches and two students per team is available at https://freeflight.org/join-learn-fly/s ... r-worksho/
In addition, we will host several ZOOM seminars, including:
April 17, 4pm EDT: Helicopter Rubber Motor Winding & Flying by Coach Brian, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83271400267?p ... RHTFV4Zz09
June 13, 1-4pm EDT: P-18 build-along workshop. Register with Michigan SO by May 14 at pvoydanoff@solake.org. The first 20 Michigan students to register will receive a P18 kit to build at the seminar!
Coach Chuck
Coach Brian