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Scioly Assassination 150: X.

Posted: August 8th, 2020, 11:11 am
by Assassinator
DISCLAIMER: Characters are NOT accurately represented in this dialogue, or any dialogue in this game. This dialogue is part of a story plot which you do not yet know.
Time: A warm summer’s day, with 3 “friends” hanging out together, having just toured an old military base.
Torchic- *Yawn
Umaroth- Man, everything is so boring these days. There’s nothing to do. I wish the assassinator would hurry up with their new game.
SilverBreeze- Tell me about it. It gets so boring. I sit inside and do nothing now because of COVID.
Torchic- I wish I was rich like you so I could stay at home and not risk my health to make money.
SilverBreeze- Eh.
Torchic- What do you mean EH? I WORK HARD TO SUPPORT MYSELF
Umaroth- Can we please not have a massive blowup this time?
*A massive argument begins, with all three “friends” yelling at each other. They eventually agreed to just leave eachother alone for a while.*

*After getting home, Torchic and Silverbreeze start sending upset snaps to each other. They both couldn’t believe they had started arguing over such a silly thing, but felt it better to keep arguing for their stubborn pride, rather make up. After 30 or so messages, they both received an anonymous text containing gibberish:*


*They both disregarded the message, and continued bickering fiercely over nonsense. Suddenly their screens went black. Exactly 17 seconds later, a voice message started playing on their phones.*
X- I am X. You are about to see my story.
Little did those 2 know, everyone in the world received that text and message.
Elsewhere, across the country:
Madcow2357- What was that?
Booknerd- A message, but what does it mean?

You have 48 hours.

Re: Scioly Assassination 150: X.

Posted: August 8th, 2020, 11:13 am
by Booknerd
Oh wowza new game im excited!!

Re: Scioly Assassination 150: X.

Posted: August 8th, 2020, 11:14 am
by Assassinator

1. The officers will be the next five people who send correct answers to the clue via PM. Put in a bit of thought before posting. If nobody is able to solve the clue, the target will be isolated (counting toward my win total), and I will repeat the process. Should less than 5 people correctly guess X's first kill clue, the user will remain intact and the remaining officers will be determined in first-come first-serve basis. Use the subforum to reserve your spot.

2. There will be no "informants".

3. I despise talking about death. It makes me mentally unstable. We will instead use the term "Isolated".

4. Officers may protect a total of 2 people for each clue (2 people between all the officers. Pick wisely). Any officer can change the protections at any time up until X becomes relevant.

5. Once an officer has made three incorrect accusations (with proper formatting), they become isolated. Them being isolated counts towards my win total. When X isolates an officer, the next person to say they want the job in the subforum gets it.

6. X will provide clues which point to his next victim, and might occasionally target themself/ves.

7. X might continue to post with his true account, and may provide hints there (X can be an officer and/or staff).

8. When accusing someone of being X you must use the following template "I accuse (place name here) of X because (give reason here)." If you don't use this template when accusing the accusation will count as incorrect, and the accusing officer will be isolated.

9. All accusations require a second person to agree with the accusation. Both accusers must be officers.

10. Those that are not officers may post.

11. Each clue will last 3 days (since the introductory clue is easy, it will last 2), after which the X will become relevant in your ever insignificant thoughts again.

12. If X does not reply in 7 days after all protects are made, each officer gets a free accusation. That accusation must be used within 48 hours of being issued to them by X.

13. Nobody will start with an accusation. An officer will earn an accusation with each correct protection.

14. X wins after 13 incorrect accusations have been made, but the number needed to win goes down by one with each isolation.

15. X reserves the right to add to these rules as he deems necessary.

16. X may be 1, 2, 3, or 4 people and/or bots. If multiple people comprise X, the officers must correctly accuse all.

17. Any questions about the game can be answered by posting in the subforum or private messages.

18. Silverbreeze and Jaggie34 are unable to identify me (or maybe only part of me), seeing as they already know my identity. These users can still participate in isolation clues, and likewise can be isolated.

Re: Scioly Assassination 150: X.

Posted: August 8th, 2020, 12:59 pm
by Umaroth
I am also aware of sassy ID, but I will still play and not help with ID :)

Re: Scioly Assassination 150: X.

Posted: August 8th, 2020, 1:13 pm
by Booknerd
Using a cipher decoder, I decoded the message in the sassy's sig and it's a link to a website: ... authuser=0

This should probably be something to keep track of throughout the whole game.

Re: Scioly Assassination 150: X.

Posted: August 8th, 2020, 2:08 pm
by Torchic
Ooo new game, not 100% sure how I'm supposed to send the answer of the clue to the sassy, if I just send what it decoded to/the meaning or if I have to figure out the target
and Silver, sorry for arguing with you that much (in the above story) lol

Re: Scioly Assassination 150: X.

Posted: August 8th, 2020, 2:17 pm
by Assassinator
There is a target to the first clue. Answers should be provided via PM.

Re: Scioly Assassination 150: X.

Posted: August 8th, 2020, 2:39 pm
by EwwPhysics
Thoughts on ID:
  • The fact that they use the name "X" probably has some significance as it is very unusual. IHateClouds told me that X is a character from the webtoon "Dice: The Cube That Changes Everything," in which he is apparently the main antagonist. Also, X is the roman numeral for 10 and this is game 150 which is divisible by 10, which I sorta doubt is relevant lol
  • The sassy uses he/him pronouns. Or maybe that's just referring to the webtoon thing?
  • The sassy made a website which I think (?) has never been done before. I don't think this really points to anyone - it was made with google sites so you wouldn't have to be super good with technology to make it.
  • They say that they could be anywhere from 1-4 people plus bots... unless it's a red herring, I would assume that saying this implies that there is in fact more than one person.
  • The sassy has good grammar, spelling, etc (unless I missed something since I sort of skimmed over the rules)

Re: Scioly Assassination 150: X.

Posted: August 8th, 2020, 4:42 pm
by raytay
ooh a new game to watch yay!

Re: Scioly Assassination 150: X.

Posted: August 8th, 2020, 5:10 pm
by k1208438
EwwPhysics wrote: August 8th, 2020, 2:39 pm Thoughts on ID:
  • The fact that they use the name "X" probably has some significance as it is very unusual. IHateClouds told me that X is a character from the webtoon "Dice: The Cube That Changes Everything," in which he is apparently the main antagonist. Also, X is the roman numeral for 10 and this is game 150 which is divisible by 10, which I sorta doubt is relevant lol
  • The sassy uses he/him pronouns. Or maybe that's just referring to the webtoon thing?
  • The sassy made a website which I think (?) has never been done before. I don't think this really points to anyone - it was made with google sites so you wouldn't have to be super good with technology to make it.
  • They say that they could be anywhere from 1-4 people plus bots... unless it's a red herring, I would assume that saying this implies that there is in fact more than one person.
  • The sassy has good grammar, spelling, etc (unless I missed something since I sort of skimmed over the rules)
Or, X could simply mean unknown.