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Curve End of Wing

Posted: January 28th, 2018, 11:19 am
by bobthebuilderman
Hi, this is my first post on the forum here.

Anyways, I wanted to ask how to curve the wings on my plane. I've seen some designs that have curved it. I'm also building a plane from scratch.

Re: Curve End of Wing

Posted: January 28th, 2018, 2:07 pm
by Froggie
By curve, do you mean literally curve or bring the tips up?

Re: Curve End of Wing

Posted: January 28th, 2018, 4:06 pm
by bobthebuilderman
I mean the end of the wing, like the tip.

Mine looks like -------
But I want it to look like \____/ (maybe not at that angle)

Re: Curve End of Wing

Posted: January 29th, 2018, 6:50 am
by Froggie
bobthebuilderman wrote:I mean the end of the wing, like the tip.

Mine looks like -------
But I want it to look like \____/ (maybe not at that angle)
You could take a block of wood and glue the \ / to the main part of the wing while leaning the tips against the blocks.

Re: Curve End of Wing

Posted: January 29th, 2018, 2:36 pm
by JasperKota
Sounds like you're talking about dihedral tips. Wing tips also work well, though the shape is more like |____| - tips are perpendicular to the wing rather than a more obtuse angle. The method Froggie mentioned above is one way you can approach it. Make sure the blocks are the same height! Another way would be to first build the wing flat, then carefully break the leading and trailing edges at the same spots, angle them how you want it, add glue to secure it and put a block under while drying.