Electric Wright Stuff C [TRIAL]
Posted: April 3rd, 2017, 9:01 am
Electric Wright Stuff is a trial event for Division C at the National Tournament at Wright State University in Dayton, OH.
Science Olympiad Student Center
Rules are posted on the national tournament website (direct link)Raleway wrote:So I'll hopefully start thisAnyone have ideas yet for this yet?
(I am assuming these are the rules https://www.soinc.org/sites/default/fil ... fC2017.pdf)
So unlike my previous experience with regular WS, there is much more variation allowed with this design and there isn't a set kit for this specific event (at least). There is no restriction on the length of the plane and doesn't matter as the motor does not exert tension on the motor stick. How would you guys go about this? I assume teams will use the maximum allowable dimensions for winds and stuff and also make plane light as possible to allow for clay to balance out weight of motor- I however think most motors will weigh more than 7g... so I feel quite lost. Any opinions?
Check out mouser electronics. They have capacitors that fit the requirements.Magikarpmaster629 wrote:Anyone have any luck finding a 3 Volt 5 Farad capacitor? Our alternate can only seem to find stuff too large or too small.