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Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 12:09 pm
by chalker
vjindal wrote:Hi Chalker,

I am from Paul J. Gelinas JHS and I was just wondering If you could tell me the raw score difference between 2nd place and 1st place of division B food science.

Also would you be able to tell me the difference between 16th place and 6th place for division B Crime Busters.

2 and 20 points

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 12:28 pm
by superpenguin666
Could you tell me the difference between 6th and 1st in Invasive Species in division B?
Also, how many points did I miss (7th place) on the Invasive Species Test in Division B out of the possible 100? (BTW, I'm dragonslikepi's partner, no the same person)

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 3:51 pm
by chalker
superpenguin666 wrote:Chalker,
Could you tell me the difference between 6th and 1st in Invasive Species in division B?
Also, how many points did I miss (7th place) on the Invasive Species Test in Division B out of the possible 100? (BTW, I'm dragonslikepi's partner, no the same person)
6 points difference. Max for the event was 66, average was 44, min 21

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 4:17 pm
by appleshake123
It's about Time(12): I felt this was like any other Time test-- mix of everything and written well-- but I think it could've been harder. The format was similar to that of MIT. That Indian Calendar and gravitational time dilation I know I missed and should've gotten, but oh well. I wish I got the test back to see other question that I missed.

Hydrogeology(40): I felt the test was short and easy while I was taking it, but I'm assuming I actually didn't know much on the test considering I got 40th :( .

And back on score asking, Chalker, could you tell me the point difference in Hydro between 40th and 20th?

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 4:31 pm
by chalker
appleshake123 wrote: And back on score asking, Chalker, could you tell me the point difference in Hydro between 40th and 20th?
That's a bizarre request. Why would you want to know this?

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 4:35 pm
by maxxxxx
chalker, can you tell me the top score(and what it's out of) for Invasive Species C, along with mean and min? Thank you.

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 4:50 pm
by appleshake123
chalker wrote:
appleshake123 wrote: And back on score asking, Chalker, could you tell me the point difference in Hydro between 40th and 20th?
That's a bizarre request. Why would you want to know this?
I felt going out of the test that I could get at least 25th place, but ended up 40th, so I want to see how far off I was from my feelings.

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 5:13 pm
by daydreamer0023
mathgirl7 wrote:Hi Chalker, would you mind telling me how close 2nd place in dp (divison c) was from 1st place? Also, many people have said the DP test was very close, so just curious: exactly how close the top 3/6 scores were and how were teams differentiated?
Also, how close was 15th place in chem lab and 21st place in ed from medaling and first place. Thanks! (Sorry for all the questions!)
You joined the train of questions after I told you about this mathgirl7? *sigh*
Unome wrote:btw what was the answer for the theropod height calculation? never figured that out
I thought it was hip height...if it was actually hip height, it's four times the foot length (I think), if it's actual height of the dino, idk...

One more thing...Chalker, what is the spread of Part I testing for Wind Power and what did the winning blade look like? How much did Part II factor into the score? Sorry for the trouble!

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 5:46 pm
by dcrxcode
Chalker, can I know the max score for disease detectives C and our score (11th place)?

test thoughts:

Disease Detectives (11): very similar to the other CDC-developed tests used at past nationals. I thought that there was perhaps a little more statistics, but the statistics section wasn't too difficult, although it took some time to interpret the data given on the test. Pacing was a problem and we ended up leaving a few attack rate calculations blank (this test was heavier on calculations than past nationals). Overall, an extremely comprehensive test expected at the national level.

Green Gen (4): Wow! Although this test wasn't very long, it was mostly very difficult. At both states and nationals, Green Gen was done in stations, which surprised me since we had only seen it done in test format before. I thought the ES did a fantastic job of measuring the length of the stations since we barely finished each one. The general ecology sections were really, really, difficult, containing some vocabulary we had never seen before. But this was balanced out with a section on laws that was much easier, and also harder sections on mining, renewable energy, and bioremediation. Overall, a well-written test that was designed so that few teams would finish or know all of the material.

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 5:47 pm
by chalker
maxxxxx wrote:chalker, can you tell me the top score(and what it's out of) for Invasive Species C, along with mean and min? Thank you.
72, 46, 14 points respectively. I don't know the max possible.