This question of competitiveness is a lot harder to solve than I thought…the statistics get hairy
Anyway, I parsed up the 2013 State results by region. For AD and LH, since they don't post results, I used geography to assign regions to school; it was pretty obvious who was where. Then I ran a bunch of means (by score, quintile index, rank, and median rank). The quintile index is simply 10 for one team in 1st quintile, 20 for 2nd quintile, etc. Sum the quintiles and take mean by region.
There's no way to "control" for any of these variables (i.e., group together based on some 3rd variable), since the point is to compare across regions. Pretty sure few of these, if any, are statistically significant due to sample size. Someone can run ANOVAs if they want haha.
Due to the different methods of calculations, there are mixed results overall, with some consistency (e.g., the bottom 4 regions), so we can't conclude too much, but it's still interesting.