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Re: Ornithology B/C

Posted: May 3rd, 2010, 1:49 pm
by FueL
Two field guides would definitely put a spin on things depending on how the team uses the extra resource. Though I have to admit, I'd prefer bringing a binder over any field guide.

Yeah, at states, the whole transition between stations wasn't outright disastrous but we kept on leaving things behind. :?

Re: Ornithology B/C

Posted: May 3rd, 2010, 1:51 pm
by junexia
wait, FueL, is ur team going to nationals?
i dont know about binders, just cuz i feel like theyre so hard to flip through. true, if you have an amazing binder and you know where everything is, its a great resource. but i think i like field guides better, for ornithology at least.

speaking of leaving things behind, i accidentally left my fossils answer sheet behind at stations twice at the state competition. THE most important least i got it back...

Re: Ornithology B/C

Posted: May 3rd, 2010, 1:58 pm
by FueL
Not this year, we placed third.

Hm, I just felt like there were a lot of random facts on our ornithology test that aren't in published field guides. Luckily, my partner is awesome with memorizing those, but binders give you a lot more freedom to put whatever you want. Though I agree guides are a lot more convenient when you want to find something quickly. :)

Re: Ornithology B/C

Posted: May 3rd, 2010, 2:32 pm
by junexia
yeah, same, which is why i spent like tons of hours filling up every single blank space in my field guide. i have to say, a lot of info that i wrote down came in handy, but theres still so much more that i need to look up.

Re: Ornithology B/C

Posted: May 3rd, 2010, 2:35 pm
by kjhsscioly
amerikestrel wrote: Also, anyone who is in ornithology is invited to help complete the list of birds on the wiki! It'll probably be organized in many tables by order (or, in the case of passeriformes, by family). Each bird has its order on the national list (for sorting the table), common name, genus and species, a photo, and comments on identification. Most photographs from WIkipedia are free use/public domain, or you can use your own. Please, help out!
Me and my partner made a powerpoint of birds, with the common name and multiple pics of each bird... any way i can make images out of the slides and post tham?

Re: Ornithology B/C

Posted: May 3rd, 2010, 2:57 pm
by googlyfrog
My partner did the same, except with flashcards. They definitely helped with the ID trouble we were having. Pictures (male, female, fledgling, in flight...) and then the scientific name, common name, order, and family. Very helpful.

Re: Ornithology B/C

Posted: May 3rd, 2010, 2:57 pm
by duckiegirl2
kjhsscioly wrote:
amerikestrel wrote: Also, anyone who is in ornithology is invited to help complete the list of birds on the wiki! It'll probably be organized in many tables by order (or, in the case of passeriformes, by family). Each bird has its order on the national list (for sorting the table), common name, genus and species, a photo, and comments on identification. Most photographs from WIkipedia are free use/public domain, or you can use your own. Please, help out!
Me and my partner made a powerpoint of birds, with the common name and multiple pics of each bird... any way i can make images out of the slides and post tham?
maybe do a print screen and copy paste?

Re: Ornithology B/C

Posted: May 3rd, 2010, 4:03 pm
by kjhsscioly
googlyfrog wrote:My partner did the same, except with flashcards. They definitely helped with the ID trouble we were having. Pictures (male, female, fledgling, in flight...) and then the scientific name, common name, order, and family. Very helpful.
we just had a common name, because the primary purpose was flashcards, but yes, if we could find them, we included various pics

amerikestral, I added the rest of Anseriformes to the wiki, but uploading pics takes forever

Re: Ornithology B/C

Posted: May 3rd, 2010, 4:18 pm
by junexia
amerikestrel wrote:
junexia wrote:i think the extra field guide is going to be very helpful, although the one problem i can see coming is things getting too messy, especially if its in stations. everything's so hurried, and theres always a chance you'll leave something behind, especially with the two pages national bird list and the one sheet of notes. i remember at states i left my pencil behind and never got it back, just because we had to move around in stations so quickly that it was hard to keep track of everything that you brought. thank god my partner had her pencils with her the whole time. at least i didnt leave anything important behind.
Did your pencil have a large eraser? :?

Also, anyone who is in ornithology is invited to help complete the list of birds on the wiki! It'll probably be organized in many tables by order (or, in the case of passeriformes, by family). Each bird has its order on the national list (for sorting the table), common name, genus and species, a photo, and comments on identification. Most photographs from WIkipedia are free use/public domain, or you can use your own. Please, help out!
haha YES YES YES! my pencil was a number two with a big kitty eraser. what station was it at?! and what happened to it?!

Re: Ornithology B/C

Posted: May 3rd, 2010, 4:19 pm
by googlyfrog
We basically only associated common name with the pictures for the flashcards but without even knowing it, I found that I remembered some scientific names as well.