As usual, this is not the place for official comments or clarifications.....Phys1cs wrote:1. I think that was more directed at having a the same transfer being used multiple times in the same place, like having an elevator bring up golf balls many times in a run. As for energy transfers, you can have the same sequence, but then only one would count for the points.SWAnG wrote:"A single Action or component must contribute to only one scoreable Transfer."
1. Can we not utliize the same transfer twice? Like utilizing the same transfer, but rebuilt and in a different location. Would this be considered the same action being used twice to a scoreable transfer even though it is a different component and acts at a different time and in a different transfer? Or does action mean action on the Task Sequence List.
2. Does it also mean that if we use some component (the exact same, nonduplicated component) twice, the second time we can just disregard it as an energy form? Or can we still incorporate it into a ETS and count it as long as it involves some other unique energy form? For instance: an E-M component is used in the first transfer (The first transfer is E-M-E-M), than in the second transfer it is utilized again to form an (E-M)-E-M-E-M. The first E-M was used in the second transfer was also used previously in the first transfer. However, if it is not counted as an energy from, they are both considered the same ETSs E-M-E-M, even though they are clearly different ETSs.
3. Also, I'm not exactly sure how to interpret this jug rule. We cut down a jug without a handle and integrated it into our device. It says you can modify the outside... so I don't see why it needs to have a handle?
2. With this, I would say that you could reuse the component, as long as it was rebuilt and had other things in the transfer. Rebuilding it keeps the device "safer", in such that there are no questions of parallel tasks or loops of any sort. Less questionable. As for having other things in the transfer, if you don't, again, the second one wouldn't count for points.
3. Submit an FAQ...? If lots of people ask they're probably more likely to answer it, and lots of us want to know. I haven't come across a good way to answer that one.
Regarding the 'single action = 1 transfer', the main purpose of that rule is to prevent things like having someone light a match and claim it's a M->T->C->VL transfer all in one small package. It's ok to have multiple discrete T->VL actions for example, such as using a match one place and a candle in another.