cngu23 wrote:quizbowl wrote:I remember there being 1.5E7 high school students in America, and I'd say on average they'd write maybe 3 in a week, so thats about (3/5) per student per day, so I'd say 7.cngu23 wrote:
Population in new york is like 1E7
Each person has at least 2 clock
So there are 2E7 clocks in NYC
How many essays are written each day by students in high schools across the United States?
How many pounds of peanut butter would it take to cover the entire floor of the Grand Canyon?
I'd say the volume of the GC is about 4E10 square meters?
One pound of peanut butter is like 5E-3 square meters
So its like 8E12 pounds
How many math problems are done each day by students in the United States? (elementary, middle, high) school
There are about E7 students in America, and I'd say they do about E1 problems on average per day, so E8 problems done each day.
How many text books would it take to make a stack the size of the empire state building in height.