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Re: Anatomy B/C

Posted: October 31st, 2009, 5:31 am
by Flavorflav
49ers wrote:so which muscles r we suppossed to study?
i don't have a rule book
The list is posted on

Re: Anatomy B/C

Posted: October 31st, 2009, 12:38 pm
by anatomydude
do we just have to memorize the names of the muscles or where they are and what they're function is also?

Re: Anatomy B/C

Posted: October 31st, 2009, 1:08 pm
by doctor
u want to know everything of everything

Re: Anatomy B/C

Posted: October 31st, 2009, 11:42 pm
by anatomydude
alright thanks. i'll try not to ask more questions. i will be able to read the rules finally on monday.

Re: Anatomy B/C

Posted: November 1st, 2009, 2:55 am
by Flavorflav
You will need origin, insertion, interactions and a whole lot of other stuff.

Re: Anatomy B/C

Posted: November 2nd, 2009, 9:58 pm
by anatomydude
should i start studying the muscle or skeletal system first? and what should i start on in each of them? :? your help is greatly appreciated

Re: Anatomy B/C

Posted: November 3rd, 2009, 2:15 pm
by AlphaTauri
If you have a partner for the event, I would recommend that you each study one system in depth and study general info about the other one in case you or your partner blanks out on competition day. (Warning: We had slight problems with sharing the test, which we solved by ripping the two sections apart.) If not, then I would study both systems equally and learn general info first, then go more in depth.

Re: Anatomy B/C

Posted: November 3rd, 2009, 7:13 pm
by doctor
if u and ur partner both are new to the event or know about the same amount of stuff u shud both study each event
but if ur partner is a returning person i reconmend he do skeletal system and u do muscular since skeletal was an event last yr so he already studied it

Re: Anatomy B/C

Posted: November 3rd, 2009, 7:40 pm
by JayJayHamYay
it's gonna be back-breaking note-taking work, but this apparently is what we hav to study: ... natomy.pdf
hope i helped~ :)

Re: Anatomy B/C

Posted: November 3rd, 2009, 7:59 pm
by SidT
In my opinion, Anatomy has been made WAY too easy. I mean, a cheat sheet??? It's Anatomy, not Look-At-A-Piece-Of-Paper-And-Hope-The-Answer-Is-There-tomy!