So inspired by EastStroudsburg’s PA prediction contest and after some discussion with Name, legitimately, lumosityfan, and a few others, I decided that it would be fun to run something similar for New York Division C states this year.
I was originally planning to run this in tandem with a pre-states predictions poll, but I ultimately decided against it. I figured since I’m still a competitor for a few more weeks, I should spend that time preparing rather than tallying prediction scores (although I’ll still write some predictions and post them lol). I can do the score tallying and ranking for everyone after states when my career as a competitor is over lol.
EDIT 2: Never mind, I am going to do this after all since it turned out to be a lot less time consuming than I had expected. Each 1st place vote will get a team 10 points, 2nd place will get a team 9 points, all the way down to 1 point for 10th. I’ll post the total team scores each Friday leading up to states. So now it’s a predictions contest and poll!
The New York 2020 Division C Prediction Contest!
Entering: Anyone can enter!! Required for entry is a username, predictions for the top 10 teams at NY C states this year, and a tiebreaker question answer. I encourage users to put their usernames on their predictions, but if you don’t have a account, you are still welcome to submit an entry, just include a uniquely identifying username so that you can be given proper credit for your predictions.
Scoring: Once states is over, I’ll go through the predictions and award points based on their accuracy. So for each top 10 prediction you get dead-on, you’ll get 5 points, for one spot off 4 points, two spots off 3 points, three spots off two points, four spots off one point, and five places and up off, zero points. If a predicted team doesn’t make it into the top 10, no points will be given for that team, and if a team you did not predict makes it into the top 10, no points will be awarded for that team either.
Tiebreaking: There will also tiebreaker and bonus question! The tiebreaker will be estimating and predicting the score of the first-place team. If two or more users tie, whoever predicts a number to the winning team's score will win the tie. If anyone perfectly predicts the winning team's score, they will earn an extra 5 points! (like the Sounds of Music bonus pitch haha)
Addition: If a second tiebreaker is needed, it will be the number of teams perfectly predicted, and if a third is still somehow needed, number of teams in a row correctly predicted will break it. I hope that’s sufficient haha
Rules: Please do not include a team more than once! If a team is accidentally included twice, I’ll count the lower placing entry as a blank space, meaning you can’t earn any points for it. Including a team more than twice will disqualify your entire prediction submission. If you submit more than one entry, I’ll count the latest one submitted as your proper entry, and disregard the others. Obvious troll entries will be ignored, so please try to take this seriously lol
The link to the Google Form is here:
The participating teams are listed as options in a dropdown menu and are ordered by team number, as taken directly from
States looks extremely close and competitive this year, so I hope this contest adds an extra layer of complexity and fun to the pre-states hype! I hope you all are interested in participating in the contest. If you have any questions, feel free to post here or message me, I hope I covered all the bases.
Thanks for participating! The form will close on March 13, at 12:00 AM, which is the first day of the state competition. I won't be publicly releasing submissions, only each person's final scores. I can't wait to determine the champion! Have fun predicting!