How exactly is Trump a good businessman? He inherited a multi-million dollar fortune from his father and has since lost billions of dollars in his ridiculous business ventures. Let's take a look at an example:
Trump Steaks!!!!! They are the best steaks, and they can only be bought at the SHARPER IMAGE. Who the heck sells their steak at the Sharper Image? "Yes I'd like an air purifier and some of the FINEST BEEF IN THE WORLD!"
Now, go back to 2005, during arguably the worst recent economic slump in the 21st century. wHy Did hE StarT a MortGage cOmpany thEn?? "Trump mortgage, and it's gonna be a great company." (I don't remember what he said exactly, but it was similar to that). Guess what, big surprise here: It wasn't a great company. It went bye-bye in two years.
My point is, the fact that Trump is rich does NOT mean he is a good businessman. IMO, probably one of the worst businessmen I've heard of.
Wanna move on to whether he's morally fit to be president? He is absolutely not. Go back to the 1980s/1990s when Trump was eligible to be drafted. He was apparently excused multiple times because his ankle had some kind of bone problem. I don't buy that, and neither should you. Trump steaks would be a better purchase and that's definitely saying something. Considering that he played for a football team, and is rumored to have done quite well at it, health issues should not be a problem. Long story short, he got out of being drafted simply because his family had the money. Looking at more recent events, let me tell you, obstruction of justice is one of MANY issues he has.
As for these "illegal aliens" you are talking about, most are just coming to the US to find better lives, not be criminals or steal jobs or vote in elections. They are willing to take jobs that most other Americans would never want. Working on a farm, cleaning streets - do the people who complain about losing their jobs to immigrants really want to do that? These "aliens" help this economy, not hurt it. Mexicans aren't rapists and criminals like Trump says they are.
And climate change is perhaps the largest problem of all. Global warming isn't some hoax designed by scientists across the world to scare us, it's a threat that will kill us all very very soon. Is Trump saying that "Global warming is a hoax because it's snowing" a good sign? No.
I doubt anybody claiming that Trump is fit to be president can win this argument, cause I still have a lot of ammo left for this debate.
*Cause you asked for a response*
Trump Mortgage, the short lived business, was closed down because the man hired to be manager, E. J. Ridings, lied about many of his credentials to Trump, who hired him. He had poor leadership, and a few of his decisions weren't thought out. In the end, the business closed because it expanded too quickly, and the investment didn't work out.
Steak: Not gonna lie, I'd eat steak anywhere.
Illegal immigrants: I have nothing personal against these people. They want a better life, they want to come here, they should do it the right way, just like everyone else. I know it's hard to get in, but that should mean a few changes in the current plan, not just call for a free-for-all dash to the border.
Global Warming: Yeah... About that one... I disagree with him there. I don't think he cares because he won't be around when the planet starts dying
The draft: What he did here was wrong, hands down. But many other politicians like Joe Biden and George W. Bush also found loopholes to avoid the main action in the war. I truly believe that all three of them are in the wrong here.
Business: Your sentence here states it. he inherited a multi-MILLION dollar company. And he has built it up to BILLIONS.