Order, family..like always!
humanbeingofearth548 wrote:It's ok SOnerd! I'll just go.
Order, family..like always![img]https://yy2.staticflickr.com/3856/14171116258_a5eb86447e_z.jpg[/img]
Lepidoptera Sesiidae
humanbeingofearth548 wrote:It's fine...Happy late 4th of July though![img]http://home.scarlet.be/entomart/images/Cercopidae01.jpg[/img]
Cercopidae, Froghoppers
I was on the east coast, and hurricane Arthur hit (We had a hurricane warning on our phones and everything... we even saw the red flags )humanbeingofearth548 wrote:You are correct! And how come your place had to be evactuated??!!
Yep!humanbeingofearth548 wrote:Coleoptera, Cerambycidae