aznluvsricemhm wrote:Hey again! I'm back.
I was wondering whether or not, when we show remediation, do we have to show it inside of the container (model of aquifer).... or can we demonstrate this process outside of the model?
There was discussion about this last year... Generally, it depends on how strict your judge is. Most would be okay if you demonstrated remediation in a plastic cup, while others may explicitly disallow that. At states last year, the judge didn't mind us using extraneous containers outside of our model.
If you want to be safe but must demonstrate outside of the model, just put any extra containers you need to use on top of/in your aquifer container before it's time to present. Once you arrive and the judge sees your aquifer + the containers, just take them out when you start presenting. Technically the were in your aquifer container beforehand, so there should be no problem.