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Re: Dynamic Planet B/C

Posted: January 19th, 2015, 4:30 pm
by sunshinez
I'm not too sure about this answer... The abyssal plains usually "start" when the continental margin ends (at the end of the continental rise). So basically, wherever the continental margin ends will dictate where the abyssal plain is.

Re: Dynamic Planet B/C

Posted: January 22nd, 2015, 9:30 pm
by Watergirl
Correct. Your turn! :)

Re: Dynamic Planet B/C

Posted: January 23rd, 2015, 5:13 pm
by sunshinez
Name the 3 main types of breaking waves and indicate what type of beaches (characteristics of the beach) on which the different types (of breaking waves) occur.

Re: Dynamic Planet B/C

Posted: February 8th, 2015, 11:33 am
by UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F
sunshinez wrote:Name the 3 main types of breaking waves and indicate what type of beaches (characteristics of the beach) on which the different types (of breaking waves) occur.
[list][*]Spilling breakers on gently-sloped beaches [*]Plunging breakers on moderately-sloped beaches [*]Surging breakers on steeply-sloped beaches[/list]
EDIT: Just in case I'm right:
What is the average salinity of the ocean?
35 ppt but can vary from 32-37 ppt

Re: Dynamic Planet B/C

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 4:19 pm
by sunshinez
UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F wrote:
sunshinez wrote:Name the 3 main types of breaking waves and indicate what type of beaches (characteristics of the beach) on which the different types (of breaking waves) occur.
[list][*]Spilling breakers on gently-sloped beaches [*]Plunging breakers on moderately-sloped beaches [*]Surging breakers on steeply-sloped beaches[/list]
Great! That's correct, your turn

Re: Dynamic Planet B/C

Posted: February 11th, 2015, 6:35 pm
by azuritemalachite
UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F wrote:
sunshinez wrote:Name the 3 main types of breaking waves and indicate what type of beaches (characteristics of the beach) on which the different types (of breaking waves) occur.
[list][*]Spilling breakers on gently-sloped beaches [*]Plunging breakers on moderately-sloped beaches [*]Surging breakers on steeply-sloped beaches[/list]
EDIT: Just in case I'm right:
What is the average salinity of the ocean?
35 ppt but can vary from 32-37 ppt
uh when you have your question don't put the answer...

Re: Dynamic Planet B/C

Posted: February 16th, 2015, 1:22 pm
by UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F
What is the average salinity of the ocean?

Re: Dynamic Planet B/C

Posted: February 16th, 2015, 6:40 pm
by azuritemalachite
I like using psu (practical salinity units) which would be 1.035, but most people use ppt which is 35. A more technical way to put it is 3.5% out of 100%.

Re: Dynamic Planet B/C

Posted: February 17th, 2015, 9:00 am
by UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F
Correct! Your turn!

Re: Dynamic Planet B/C

Posted: March 2nd, 2015, 5:25 pm
by boomvroomshroom
Reviving this thread...
What is a morraine?