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Re: Road Scholar B

Post by freakofnature17 »

cooltiger wrote:How do I find the Latitude and longitude of somthing if the map dosn't say the exact cordinates?
I'm not exactly sure I completely understand your question but I think I may.
The Road Scholar Coaches Manual has a section in which it tells you how to find lat and long
Determining Latitude Within Sectors
Distance from lower sector boundary to object (in mm) / N-S distance across sector (in mm) ) x150"=distance to object/in seconds (")

Determing Longitude Within Sectors
(DIstance from Easterly sector boundary to object (in mm)/ E-W Distance across sector (in mm) ) x150"-distance to object /in seconds (")

After you find the distance to the object in seconds, you add that number to the nearest sector boundary coordinates you used. That'll give you the lat and long of something.
I'm not sure if I answered your question correctly. If not, I'm terribly sorry.

For those of you to whom the above process made no sense whatsoever, don't freak out. I'll try my best to explain it but I am not guaranteeing that my explanation will make sense. If it doesn't then I'm sorry for confusing you.


1) Measure the distance in mm from one sector boundary found on the neat line, one with the coordinates given, to the object which is the vertical distance.
2) Then find the distance again in mm (everything measured will always be in mm so I'm going to stop typing that over and over) from the sector boundary you used in 1) to the vertically closest sector boundary on the neat line that is found on the neat line perpendicular to the neat line on which you found the sector boundary you found in 1) ----let me phrase that another way
take the sector boundary you used in 1). Then look at the neat line that is perpendicular to the neat line used in 1) ( basically there are 4 neat lines, 2 running horizontally and 2 running vertically so you should have been on one of the horizontal ones if you want the vertical distance so now find the closest sector boundary on one of the vertical neat lines-----
and divide and x150” (because the distance from 1 neat line to the closest sector boundary is said to be 2.5° of arc distance and 2.5°=150”)
3) Add the result of 2) to the closest sector boundary coordinates you used. That gives you the lat.
4) Do the same thing again but, this time find the horizontal distance from the sector boundary on the horizontal neat line to the object. Then find the distance from the sector boundary you just used to the closest sector boundary that is still on the same horizontal line and divide those and x150” and then add that result to the closest sector boundary coordinates you used. This gives you the longitude.

If I was wrong somewhere in the above directions, which I probably was, then someone please correct me. Hope that helped some poor, helpless soul out there….
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Re: Road Scholar B

Post by zyzzyva980 »

On the build-a-map part of the test, if they ask you to give neat line coordinates but don't tell you which corner to put them in, in which corner should you put them?
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Re: Road Scholar B

Post by robotman »

i have never had them ask about neat lines :?

they do ask about sector numbers and those go in the center of the map
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Re: Road Scholar B

Post by freakofnature17 »

zyzzyva98 wrote:On the build-a-map part of the test, if they ask you to give neat line coordinates but don't tell you which corner to put them in, in which corner should you put them?
Like robotman, I too have never had them ask that. Can you be a bit more specific and by that I mean, have you actually done a map drawing section in which they asked that or are you just asking this question out of curiosity? To me it seems a bit weird to have you put the neat line coordinates without telling you which corners, but then again I could be wrong.

If this is a question out of curiosity, then I would say that they most likely should not ask you such a question but if they do then maybe I have an answer- if they give you the coordinates with N or W at the end, then you tell whether they correspond for the vertical or horizontal lines ( basically which corresponds for latitude and which for longitude) That's all I can think of.
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Re: Road Scholar B

Post by zyzzyva980 »

The question was, if I remember correctly, was "insert the neat line coordinates of (coordinates) and (coordinates)" Just one set. No corner specified.

Interestingly enough, it was exactly the same test as the one at last year's regionals. We were going to bring the answer key in our notes because we knew the same school was doing the test but our coach wouldn't let us.
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Re: Road Scholar B

Post by robotman »

freakofnature17 wrote:
If this is a question out of curiosity, then I would say that they most likely should not ask you such a question but if they do then maybe I have an answer- if they give you the coordinates with N or W at the end, then you tell whether they correspond for the vertical or horizontal lines ( basically which corresponds for latitude and which for longitude) That's all I can think of.
well since they told you the coodinates you would do as Freakofnature suggested and draw the neat lines at that point
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Re: Road Scholar B

Post by oh joy »

how do you calculate lat/long. on a state map?
(it was on a test that i took once at competition)
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Re: Road Scholar B

Post by oh joy »

also, how do you determine the exact elevation of say, a house on the top of a hilltop on a topographic map? Do we just add up the contour lines? Or is there a way to be more specific? :?
(Is this a dumb question(s)? sorry... :? )
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Re: Road Scholar B

Post by robotman »

Normally you will find on certain contour line the elevation so that you may add or subtract from that to get elevation. The only "exact" elevations off of contour lines are at benchmarks
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Re: Road Scholar B

Post by kimbo_bubbles014 »

im going to literally have to teach road scholar new be's... wish me luck!! :roll:
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