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Re: 1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart

Posted: April 30th, 2012, 7:21 pm
by fozendog
51. Go to the gun section and ask to hold one to feel if it's "right". Then when buying the gun ask the clerk where the anti-depressents are.

Re: 1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 2:25 pm
by A Person
52. Climb onto the top of the shelves and jump the the neighboring shelves (optional: playing tag with your friends while doing this)

Re: 1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 2:32 pm
by Fossil Freak 25
53. egg the cashier
54. make out with the manager

Re: 1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 6:01 pm
by mnstrviola
55. Release all the giant bouncy balls from that giant cage thing that they have them in.

Re: 1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 6:03 pm
by Ryukuza
55. Look directly in one of the one-way mirror cameras and scream "Hi mom! I'm on TV!" and such.
56. Go around asking the employees if they need any help finding things.
57. Run around screaming. When they ask you what you are doing, say "I'm summoning rain." Go back to screaming. Shortly after, pull the fire alarm so that the sprinklers will go off.
58. Get a fishing pole and a hook. Attach candy to the hook. See how many children you can "catch".
59. Start talking to a cashier about things, as if you were good friends.
60. (Girls) Paint your nails, apply makeup, put on perfume, ect. in the busiest aisle.
61. Get an employee's attention, as you normally would. Ask them where the duct tape is. When they tell you, say "Okay, thanks. Now I can fix the sky. Don't you hate it when little pieces hall and hit you?"
Bonus points if you show up in a chicken suit for #61!

Sorry if these aren't as funny as the previous ones... I tried. Really. :)

Re: 1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 6:09 pm
by mnstrviola
62. Open a pack of gum and chew on all of them. When you go pay for it spit it all out and wad it inside the wrapper in front of the cashier.

Re: 1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart

Posted: May 1st, 2012, 6:27 pm
by Fossil Freak 25
pretend to have an allergy attack on top of the high shelf on the chip isle

Re: 1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart

Posted: May 6th, 2012, 1:03 pm
by aim4me26
64. Test out the fishing rods.

Re: 1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart

Posted: May 10th, 2012, 8:14 pm
by sciencegeek100
65. test the sports equipment

Re: 1000 Ways to Get Kicked Out of Walmart

Posted: May 11th, 2012, 10:06 am
by Cheesy Pie
66. test the guns (not on people) :twisted:
67. number 66 while screaming "VOUS ALLEZ MOURIR" :twisted: :twisted: