ok hi sorry forum ppls but heres a discord recap i should've been doing these more frequently so sorry for the one person who's just on the forums and is like ???? while we make some progress here on the discord so here goes!
On the first day user Saph said that the first lullaby comes from scottish folk song the Bonnie Earl o' Moray and pointed out that there was some red text.
I said there was a reference to "eel of moray," so there might be something about moray eels
Saph found some places where the lullaby was mispelled, so that could have some significance
the l/ at the beginning were also in red text and all the apostrophes were red as well

I said something about this was a scottish folk song so the target might be a glaswegian? (Glasgow Middle School person)
I searched up moray eels on the discord and all the references to them were about their goofy ahh pharyngeal jaws
dea found that "earnh" were the letters on correction
I looked at tinyurl.com/earnh and it apparently leads to a listing of aliexpress bluetooth earphones
dea found all the glaswegians' scioly.org accounts
I saw the roud index and that the spellings in this song vary. Could they be regional things, transcriptions, or something else? If so, it might point to a specific region.
BlueRobin found that "highlands" in the first lullaby could refer to Highlands Intermediate School.
I think ant (Galahad on scioly.org) is from there but there might be other folks from there as well
BlueRobin found that the l in l/ was a lowercase L
BlueRobin found that Doune Castle is a real spot in Scotland and "frae" is roughly "from"
VENOM saw Maize and thought it might be referring to a state famous for corn, maybe in the midwest
- pikachu4919 is from Indiana
- hanlove (do they have a scioly.org account???) is from Nebraska
-- nebraska's known as the "cornhusker state"
- A lot of people are from Missouri
- poonda is from Kansas but goes to school in Missouri
-- kansas is famous for Helium
I saw A + B + [2 letters, both uppercase] and thought of maybe ABRHS but then that's three extra letters not two
might also refer to the two parts
poonda noticed that "scrambled" could refer to the event Scrambler
poonda noticed that General Sherman was born in lancaster, ohio and buried in Saint Louis, Missouri
i thought that it might also refer to the tree General Sherman
dea found that the log of the numbers (four thousand, half a million, twenty, and four) in the second question are 3, 6, 1, and 0, which are all triangular numbers
2022 birdSO satellite had 3610 medals so it might refer to that
Moray Eel might connect to the trial event Ichthyology or to water quality because feesh
3610 might be a discord discriminant but those are starting to rotate out so that would be hard to test
person-v132 found a 1954 article about "the death of Lady Mondegreen" which refers to the earl o' moray poem and 1954
MidFloat found famous people of Irish heritage, including a
Karen Ann Quinlan, born in 1954
BlueRobin found a User:SuweeBuwee has a long name
gesturethejester found that there's an Interior Lowlands region of the USA which also contains much of the Midwest
I don't know what to make of this halp forum ppl