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Re: New York 2020

Posted: January 1st, 2020, 3:20 pm
by legitimately
ok fine a non-boomer, totally unbiased, top 10
(note: i know nothing about the composition of most teams, i'm only able to base this off of previous history. notably, LISO was an SAT date, and I know many teams couldn't bring their best because of it)

1. Columbia - It just seems so hard to put them any lower than this considering their sub-100 score last year at states. It's hard to drop off that much.
2. Ward Melville - Looking at LISO, there were a few tanking events, but I don't think a lot of it is a real concern (ex: a leaky boi was probably why their PPP messed up, other builds are fixable, ExDes was :? , etc). Besides that, I think their scores were extremely strong (especially if we look at superscore -- Ward B was great as well), and I don't see any reason why they're not up here.
3. FM - Yes, they were below Kellenberg and Syosset at Cornell, who I have lower on this list. But they also had two HUGE bombs, and overall, they were solid otherwise. I'm giving the edge to them over Stuy simply because of history. FM always rapidly improves from its invitationals, I would totally expect them to figure out their bombs, and if this is their starting point, they're going to be hard to beat. I think Ward's LISO performance was better though, so I have to give it to them first.
4. Stuyvesant - Strong LISO performance from both teams, pretty consistent placings, although as per usual, build events drop their score some. They're not higher than Ward or FM, but I know Stuy was missing people from the SAT, and I think they have a real chance of cracking the dominant 3 if they keep it up.
5. Kellenberg - Did great at Cornell, was very close to winning the whole thing! Good at LISO too, though they weren't very close to Ward or Stuy. They're for sure going to be fun to watch this year -- hope they can keep it up.
6. Syosset - They had the same score without drops as Kellenberg at LISO, and slightly higher at Cornell. They had several uncharacteristically average study events along with their haunting build/WIDI problems, but being Syosset, I'm sure they will figure it out. For now, they go here.
7. Mount Academy - No data yet (we'll have to wait until Columbia), but I see them as high as 5 and as low as 9 on this list, so I put them right in the middle. Mount and the two schools below are real dark horses.
8. Staten Island Tech - These folks are sneakily good; superscored, they were right there with Syosset and above Kellenberg at LISO. Their builds, as usual, are quite strong (on the B team at least). They have a couple of other bad events they need to figure out though before they can pass Kellenberg and Syosset.
9. Great Neck South - Again, these guys were there with Syosset and better than Kellenberg by superscore. Considering their history, I'm probably highly underrating them, and I wouldn't be surprised if they came out on the top of this 5-9 pack (if they can figure out their bad events).
10. Brooklyn Tech - were kind of unstacked for LISO, stacked they look pretty decent. Affected by the SATs. I want to see this as a NYC homer.
notable: Spackenkill - was very solid at Cornell, and I realistically see them 11th, if not, definitely 10th.
other notables: Scarsdale, Pittsford Sutherland (i don't know anything about these regions and they have no data so I can't say anything)

Let me know what you think of these predictions (if you can't tell, my last predictions were a troll). I think NYS is going to be a really tough competition this year.
This next month will be very interesting. Can't wait to see MIT, which many top NY teams are attending. I think we'll know for sure where the top four is at after that.
Good luck to those attending Columbia this weekend -- we'll finally be able to see their team this year :oops: .

Re: New York 2020

Posted: January 4th, 2020, 3:16 pm
by Giantpants
So Columbia 2020 happened:

1. The Mount Academy Blue (92)
2. Kellenberg A (137)
3. Chaminade A (215)
4. Plattsburgh Orange (242)
5. Ballston Spa (278)
6. Columbia Blue (279)

Scan of the full scoresheet is here! ... esults.pdf

A few thoughts on this:

The Mount Academy is obviously super strong this year. This is the first indicator of their big success, and I’m really excited to see how they do at Regionals (and maybe Yale? They went last year so maybe this year again idk lol). Although this invy was kinda small, their early strength is clearly visible and I think, based solely off of this, they may have quite a good shot at top 5 at states!

Kellenberg did pretty well, we although had a few hiccups, seen in the kinda large point gap between us and the Mount. Our WIDI writer and main plane flyer couldn't make it, so that probably hurt us in those two events. With more build improvement, we should hopefully be able to stay competitive with teams as strong as the Mount Academy.

Chaminade finished behind us, and although the gap was a little big, it showed that they’re still a solid team not to be forgotten about. More invitational results from them will be interesting for sure!!

I don’t know much about the rest of the teams, but there was an interesting small gap after Chaminade. As expected, Columbia White did extremely well in the events they partook in, so they’re looking very strong for states too. Now that we have three in-state invitationals, I may write some super early predictions soon, but not right now lol

Thanks to Columbia for hosting another great invitational! We all loved attending, and congrats to the Mount Academy on their amazing win!!

Re: New York 2020

Posted: January 14th, 2020, 7:56 am
by MadCow2357
CharlieDoe wrote: January 14th, 2020, 5:20 am Invitationals
Cornell U Div. C: 11/23/19
LISO Div. B and Div. C: 12/7/19 @ Syosset HS
Columbia HS Div. C: 1/4/20
Cornell U Div. B: 2/15/20
? thanks?

Re: New York 2020

Posted: January 15th, 2020, 7:24 pm
by JasperKota

Re: New York 2020

Posted: January 25th, 2020, 8:09 pm
by ET2020
New Post-MIT predictions:

1. FM- Mostly because of my own bias. We're somewhat untested but I think we have a very strong team this year.
2. Ward Melville- Superscored they were the best NY team at MIT. They also just got an influx of talent from Gelinas's best team ever, so they're definitely in the running for first place.
3. Columbia- OK, given their past performance I know 3rd place is pretty unlikely and they will probably make nationals, but right now they certainly look a lot weaker than last year.
4. Stuyvesant- Superscored they actually beat Columbia at MIT, but I don't think they will be able to maintain that level of dominance until states. A very strong team nevertheless could easily prove me wrong.
5. Syosset- I can't believe I have them this low, since this Syosset team is definitely better than last year, but it seems like NY has gotten a lot more competitive. Honestly, I would not be surprised if any of these top 5 teams make it to nats. The competition is wide open this year.

Re: New York 2020

Posted: January 26th, 2020, 7:35 am
by EastStroudsburg13
ET2020 wrote: January 25th, 2020, 8:09 pm 2. Ward Melville- Superscored they were the best NY team at MIT. They also just got an influx of talent from Gelinas's best team ever, so they're definitely in the running for first place.
Interesting you say this, because I would rank the 2010 Gelinas team as still being the best Gelinas team ever, but SO has gotten stronger since then. It's an interesting question at least.

Re: New York 2020

Posted: January 26th, 2020, 9:25 am
by ET2020
2. Ward Melville- Superscored they were the best NY team at MIT. They also just got an influx of talent from Gelinas's best team ever, so they're definitely in the running for first place.
Interesting you say this, because I would rank the 2010 Gelinas team as still being the best Gelinas team ever, but SO has gotten stronger since then. It's an interesting question at least.
Oh yeah I forgot about them. Still, last year's performance by Gelinas was their best in at least the last five years.

Re: New York 2020

Posted: January 28th, 2020, 11:09 am
by lumosityfan
Anyone know the results of the Division C Adirondack, Mid State, and Mid Western regional tournaments?

Re: New York 2020

Posted: January 28th, 2020, 11:35 am
by 112358132134
It looks like nobody has mentioned North Pocono yet (maybe because it's in PA) but a few notable New York teams competed. Kellenburg took first and The Mount Academy got 7th. Other competitive teams there were Bayard Rustin (unstacked) with 2nd and 5th, Northwestern Lehigh 3rd, Ithaca 4th, and Athens Area 6th. Looks like all of those schools except Rustin stacked their teams.

Re: New York 2020

Posted: January 28th, 2020, 3:19 pm
by Unome
112358132134 wrote: January 28th, 2020, 11:35 am It looks like nobody has mentioned MC Barons yet (maybe because it's in PA) but a few notable New York teams competed. Kellenburg took first and The Mount Academy got 7th. Other competitive teams there were Bayard Rustin (unstacked) with 2nd and 5th, Northwestern Lehigh 3rd, Ithaca 4th, and Athens Area 6th. Looks like all of those schools except Rustin stacked their teams.
Mount Academy that low? Interesting.