I think we should implement penalties for:RandomPerson wrote:I've been meaning to say this for a while (weeks) but I also wanted to give the game the chance to run its full course:starpug wrote: If you must, but I believe that the reason it didn't work is no fault of the way the game was set up, but in fact because no one participated
No one participated because the game was set up badly for this forum, I don't mean to knock your idea, it certainly would've worked better if the community base was more active during the timeframe, but the fact is we don't have the time or want to do so.
I don't think going back to the same system is the best idea either, the entire point of this game is to challenge our wits and to have fun, (and the latter is certainly the more important) I doubt I'll be challenged here when I say that both of those only occurred occasionally with our usual format in the past 20 or so games (brobo, Darksabre, and otherwise sparingly).
Let me get to the point, these issues come to the front of my mind when I think of what needs to be done:
1)Set a time limit of some sort, nobody likes games that last for a month. 2 weeks maximum might be best.
2)Change the clues somehow, its not that they're "bad" or that they're more challenging than they used to be, its that we don't have the time or want to decypher them
3)You know... I expected to have at least three, but its really just the first 2.
The 1st one is simple to accomplish. But the 2nd is much more of a challenge. Clues have been talked of as too complex for a long time, but nothing serious has been done about it. I think these are the main problem with Assassination, they're very intimidating for most including myself, and so we lose interest. I don't know exactly how we can fix this, we could try the very old system in the first 10 games, but I don't have the feeling that would work either. Frankly even if we did find a good clue structure, there's no way we can make every Assassinator follow it.
What I'm suggesting is... take clues away altogether (identity clues could remain however). This game from its start was modified and influenced by the standard Mafia game, why don't we just change everything to be more like that to begin with?
(for those unfamiliar, from wiki: "Mafia (Russian: Ма́фия, also known as Werewolf, Assassin or Witch Hunt) is a party game created in USSR modeling a battle between an informed minority and an uninformed majority. Players are secretly assigned roles: either "mafia", who know each other; or "townspeople", who know only the number of mafia amongst them. In the game's "night" phase the mafia covertly 'murder' a townsperson. During the day phase, all of the surviving players debate the identities of the mafia and vote to eliminate a suspect. Play continues until all of the mafia have been eliminated, or until the mafia outnumber the townspeople. A typical game starts with seven townspeople and two mafioso.")
Even that may turn out to be a bad idea, I don't know to be honest, but I think the next game should be delayed until we all at least can debate this, some thing certainly needs to be changed.
Protecting yourself
Accusing incorrectly
By penalties I mean something like the person you accuse dies or you only get a certain number of times when you can protect yourself
The games have become very formulaic imo a lot of "I don't feel like solving this clue, so I protect myself"