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Re: Predict what the person below you will be like

Posted: May 10th, 2013, 9:18 am
by 49ers
So false. I eat a pie at each sitting if I have the money or am allowed to eat that much.
TPBM has read all the Harry Potter books and likes them more than the movies.

Re: Predict what the person below you will be like

Posted: May 12th, 2013, 9:33 pm
by ScienceOlympian
TPBM knows what Ohms Law is

Re: Predict what the person below you will be like

Posted: May 13th, 2013, 6:54 am
by chia
I'd better, I'm taking the AP Physics C tests in two hours :P

TPBM is out of school in a week.

Re: Predict what the person below you will be like

Posted: May 13th, 2013, 1:17 pm
by isaysroar
Nahhh in a month

TPBM has broken multiple bones in her/his body

Re: Predict what the person below you will be like

Posted: May 13th, 2013, 1:32 pm
by hc1220
Nope I have never, TPBM is doing science olympiad

Re: Predict what the person below you will be like

Posted: May 13th, 2013, 2:18 pm
by ScienceOlympian
I only do Science Olympiad from when the official rules come out to my last tournament. Usually State. So technically no.
TPBM likes Dynamic Planet. Or any topic in DP.

Re: Predict what the person below you will be like

Posted: May 13th, 2013, 2:48 pm
by 314chocolate
Not really. DP is one of the events I have never done.

TPBM is a senior.

Re: Predict what the person below you will be like

Posted: May 13th, 2013, 4:34 pm
by aim4me26

PBM likes salad.

Re: Predict what the person below you will be like

Posted: May 17th, 2013, 11:28 am
by 49ers
I LOVE salad so much, even though it doesn't fill me up.

TPBM participates in Band at their school.

Re: Predict what the person below you will be like

Posted: May 18th, 2013, 10:28 pm
by aim4me26
Yessss. Band ftw!

PBM takes French.