Consistency is much more important this far into the competition season; negating that small part of the rules (which isn't even referenced anywhere in itself) is much better than having to once again revise a whole score of previous FAQs and causing (probably a lot of) teams' devices to fall out of compliance. The rules committee did write the rules, so I'm sure that if they decide to contradict the published rules, it's for a good reason(s).goodcheer wrote:blakinator8 wrote:New FAQ!
2015-03-10 20:30 The device task explicitly says that the device has to "lift one or more golf balls into scoring jugs." What is the penalty for not lifting any golf balls in the device?
You would receive no points for golf balls. You might receive other points for time, ETS completion, etc.
ETS points can still be scored without lifting golf balls. Guess that settles it?
The rules committee has firmly established the idea you don't have to lift golf balls for the ETS points contrary to the rule book. Now they rule the MP device does not even have to complete the "Device Task" which is to lift and collect at least one golf ball (par. 4, line 1). The penalty should be a construction violation. All this settles is the conclusion that the rules committee is willing to make decisions that contradict the published rule book. They seem unwilling to repair this sinking ship.
I'd say it's more like they scrapped some decoration on the ship that everyone forgot existed and used it to fix the holes and keep the ship afloat.