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Re: Bungee Drop C

Posted: November 4th, 2013, 10:20 am
by number_cruncher
mwloveslm wrote:Can anyone post a picture of the testing device?

For our invitational, I am using a 3/4" dowel rod with a spring-loaded clothes pin zip-tied to the end. The dowel will secure the bungee, and the clothes pin is used to release the mass. Had to drill a hole in the end of the dowel to accomodate the zip tie. Then used electrical tape to keep the zip tie from interfering with the bungee.

It is portable; the dowel rod can be zip tied or taped to the desired height from the surface plane for testing different heights as well.

Re: Bungee Drop C

Posted: November 4th, 2013, 4:49 pm
by asdfqwerzzz2
number_cruncher wrote:
mwloveslm wrote:Can anyone post a picture of the testing device?

For our invitational, I am using a 3/4" dowel rod with a spring-loaded clothes pin zip-tied to the end. The dowel will secure the bungee, and the clothes pin is used to release the mass. Had to drill a hole in the end of the dowel to accomodate the zip tie. Then used electrical tape to keep the zip tie from interfering with the bungee.

It is portable; the dowel rod can be zip tied or taped to the desired height from the surface plane for testing different heights as well.
Is it possible to post a picture of this?

Re: Bungee Drop C

Posted: November 7th, 2013, 12:45 pm
by Mathc314
Is this device the means by which you are testing this to model the actual tournament scenario or is this a permanent attachment to your bungee cord?

Re: Bungee Drop C

Posted: November 7th, 2013, 4:30 pm
by Mathc314
If possible, a picture would help clarify what you mean. Thanks!!!

Re: Bungee Drop C

Posted: November 7th, 2013, 5:20 pm
by Cougars
Rule 2b states: "Supervisors will supply a drop mass (50-300 grams) that will be placed in a 500-591 ml plastic bottle..."
So am I to understand that a mass of 50 - 300 g (25 g increments for regionals) will be placed in the bottle and the total mass will be the "added mass", plus the bottle and any carabiner/clasp used?
With 50 g of mass in our bottle, the whole mass was about 87g. So when we get to the competition, although we can measure the mass before we drop it, we can 't actually prepare for a given mass, as the mass of the bottle/carabiner will be different depending on what the event judge brings?

Re: Bungee Drop C

Posted: November 8th, 2013, 4:00 am
by wlsguy
Cougars wrote:Rule 2b states: "Supervisors will supply a drop mass (50-300 grams) that will be placed in a 500-591 ml plastic bottle..."
So am I to understand that a mass of 50 - 300 g (25 g increments for regionals) will be placed in the bottle and the total mass will be the "added mass", plus the bottle and any carabiner/clasp used?
With 50 g of mass in our bottle, the whole mass was about 87g. So when we get to the competition, although we can measure the mass before we drop it, we can 't actually prepare or a given mass, as the mass of the bottle/carabiner will be different depending on what the event judge brings?
I agree with your interpretation that the drop mass is not the total mass of the bottle + attachment.
It looks like the writers tried to make it easier by specifying the drop mass will be in 25g increments for regionals and 10g for states but this was made effectively useless when the unknown variable of the bottle and attachment method was added. The last line specifies the total mass including attachment mechanism will be posted after impound.

If I were you I would submit a clarification.

Maybe the rules writers will realize the (possibly unintended) difficulty with having the attachment variable and change the wording such that the total mass will be between 50 ~300g and will be in in 25g increments for regionals and 10g for states. Since I would expect most supervisors to use a plastic bag full of sand for the drop mass amount, it can easily be changed to compensate for any attachment and get a nice even number for regionals and state.

Re: Bungee Drop C

Posted: November 8th, 2013, 11:01 am
by number_cruncher
Mathc314 wrote:If possible, a picture would help clarify what you mean. Thanks!!!
I apologize - I'm not ignoring your request, but can't get the image to upload.

The dowel rod & clothes pin is simply what I'm using as an event supervisor. What other event supervisors use could vary.

Also, in addressing the mass added to the bottle, I am picking a mass between 50-300 grams + 38 grams for the 591 ml bottle & attachment carabiner. I will post the mass this way

200g mass

38g bottle & attachment

238g total mass

I am also going to "assume" any height between 2 and 5 meters, since the rules do not specify exact increments.

Re: Bungee Drop C

Posted: November 10th, 2013, 4:39 pm
by Cougars
I submitted the question about the mass if it includes the bottle and attachments or not. I don't think it does and hence it makes this event that much harder!

Re: Bungee Drop C

Posted: November 11th, 2013, 7:07 am
by number_cruncher
We ran bungee drop this past Saturday for an invitational with excellent results. The mass was announced at 300 g with 38g for the bottle and attachment. No team had any problems with this.

One issue that did come up is in regards to teams bringing their own bottle & attachment. We did not allow the teams to use their own bottles, and all teams were able to use the provided bottle (coke zero bottle with BB's and the lid had an eye bolt & carabiner).

The release mechanism & dowel rod posed few problems. Duct tape was provided if teams needed to use it. Since the rules do not make any specifications for the release mechanism & attachment, our judges chose to be permissive. Also, in the case of the key ring attachment, the rules use the word "approximate" so we did too. 1" key rings are actually 1 1/4" across with the heavy gauge metal.

We used a plasic shoe box filled with foam padding as the surface plane - the top was covered in a single layer of tissue paper, and held in place with a rubber band. It worked perfectly.

We had 5 in Tier 1 (in specs with no touches), 3 in Tier 2 (in specs with 1 touch), 2 in Tier 3 (in specs with 2 touches), 2 in Tier 4 (no impound - no touches) and 1 in Tier 5 (no impound 1 touch).

I highly recommend using the "Coach's View" app on IPad for judging. This gave us precise measurements. Video the drop, then view the results frame by frame with a measuring device in view behind the drop area. There was no disputing the results!

Re: Bungee Drop C

Posted: November 13th, 2013, 6:54 pm
by mwloveslm
These might seem a little stupid, but i have a few questions. About how tall approx. are your guys' bungees? like from bottom to top when fully stretched and not stretched? (so i get a general idea about how to make mine).....also, for the "top end", what are you guys using? We have to provide our own, right? I think i got confused because i think it was written somewhere that the judges provided the attachment for the top block....if we dont have to provide our own, then how will the judges determine what to use that can accomodate everyone's bungee?