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Re: Sounds of Music B

Posted: April 3rd, 2014, 9:29 am
by Azismith
knittingfrenzy18 wrote:The correct pronounciation is "tamber".

However, it is not spelled "tamber", or "tambre", or "timbar", or "tambir", or "timber", etc...

(inside jokes :P)
Yes, inside jokes... :P Here's a link to the correct pronunciation:

Re: Sounds of Music B

Posted: April 21st, 2014, 5:01 pm
by qwertyuiop1234567890
To the people who made flutes:

Is it even possible to get full points on range for a flute? F3 is really low for such a high instrument...

Re: Sounds of Music B

Posted: May 21st, 2014, 7:02 pm
by GoofyFoofer
I think so. That's what another school did, and they got 4th place or something.