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Re: Wind Power B/C

Posted: January 3rd, 2016, 12:48 pm
by Unome
soyuppy wrote:Can anyone clarify the scoring rule?
Rule 5f: 15 pts penalty apply for any construction violation or miss impound
Rule 5g: Power Score = 0 for unsafe operation/modify CD or fail to bring blade assembly

If the team has no blade, then there's nothing to impound. But the team is allow to take the written exam. Does this mean the team get 0 pts along along with -15 pts penalty apply to the written exam?
You should probably submit a FAQ; I can't think of a way to distinguish missing impound and not bringing a device, although someone else might be able to. Either way, it seems like it could be confusing for event supervisors.

Re: Wind Power B/C

Posted: January 3rd, 2016, 1:31 pm
by finagle29
Unome wrote:I can't think of a way to distinguish missing impound and not bringing a device, although someone else might be able to.
A team arrives late to a competition and misses impound but still brings their device with them to the time block.

Re: Wind Power B/C

Posted: January 3rd, 2016, 4:16 pm
by chalker
Unome wrote:
soyuppy wrote:Can anyone clarify the scoring rule?
Rule 5f: 15 pts penalty apply for any construction violation or miss impound
Rule 5g: Power Score = 0 for unsafe operation/modify CD or fail to bring blade assembly

If the team has no blade, then there's nothing to impound. But the team is allow to take the written exam. Does this mean the team get 0 pts along along with -15 pts penalty apply to the written exam?
You should probably submit a FAQ; I can't think of a way to distinguish missing impound and not bringing a device, although someone else might be able to. Either way, it seems like it could be confusing for event supervisors.
Missing impound implies you still bring a blade and compete with it. Note that the official scoring sheet on the website handles these situations appropriately.

Re: Wind Power B/C

Posted: January 4th, 2016, 9:59 pm
by soyuppy
Thanks for the worksheet. This definitely help with invitational events.

Re: Wind Power B/C

Posted: January 10th, 2016, 10:52 am
by GoofyFoofer
Are we allowed to attach hubs or cones at the center of the CDs to improve the efficiency of the turbine?

Re: Wind Power B/C

Posted: January 11th, 2016, 8:16 pm
by awesome90220
The dormant awesome90220 has returned from hibernation.

Are there any wind power tests out there? Not like the test exchange physics lab tests, but ones from this year. I've hit a study wall :cry:

Re: Wind Power B/C

Posted: January 12th, 2016, 7:55 am
by 0ddrenaline
awesome90220 wrote:The dormant awesome90220 has returned from hibernation.

Are there any wind power tests out there? Not like the test exchange physics lab tests, but ones from this year. I've hit a study wall :cry:
I've also been hoping to find some of these. I have little knowledge of what the tests might actually look like, other than what the rules provide.

Rule Clarification

Posted: January 13th, 2016, 5:28 pm
by Nano32
I had a quick question on what is considerd part of the blade assembly? The blade, or the jointing piece in the middle? THANKS!! :D

Invitational Test

Posted: January 16th, 2016, 7:55 pm
by PHXcoach
I posted a test to the test exchange ... Wind_Power. I am not sure if it was going in the correct direction since there aren't any other wind power tests posted so any thoughts / suggestions are welcome

Re: Wind Power B/C

Posted: January 17th, 2016, 7:33 pm
by soyuppy
The sample questions from Casa Grande by far the most accurate to the rule-book test I've come across. I coach Wind Power-B. I've been to 3 invitational already...and sorry to say that majority of test questions are way off the rule specification. There were question like...what kind of wind cause El Nino. Or what is a Devil Dust, Trade Wind, Hurricane... A meteorology question are more like it...not relation to the 5 topics that stated in the rule book.

Thank posting the sample test PHXCoach.