Re: Mousetrap Vehicle B
Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:16 pm
Read the rules, they clearly answer this questionWongio123 wrote:Are you allowed to have two mousetraps this year or just one
Read the rules, they clearly answer this questionWongio123 wrote:Are you allowed to have two mousetraps this year or just one
This year it is just one. The only reason you would need two mousetraps is if you want to go out and back.Wongio123 wrote:Are you allowed to have two mousetraps this year or just one
Take a look at this first: ... o_Straightqwertyuioplkjhgfdsa wrote:Do u guys have any suggestions on how to make the vehicle go more straight?
Well, you could try using a scope, but that is pretty heavy. Last year on Battery Buggy, I put two light rods (can be made of wood, metal, etc.) through the center of our vehicle: one in the front and one in back. Then I used a string to align the rods with the finish dot, so that it would run straight. Hope this helps!SirBobo wrote:What is a good sighting device i could use? Right now, i have a target that i place at the end, is that good?
Try altering the thickness of the axle onto which you're winding the string. You could also try adjusting the pull arm length. Keep in mind that changing either one of those things will change your distance calibration.Pauly_Rocks wrote:Anyone have any ideas on how to make the vehicles go faster without making it lighter? My car was averaging about 20 sec. per run today which is really slow, although it might just be that I needed a new mousetrap to put on, the one I was using was pretty old. Any suggestions?thanks
Why wouldn't you want it lighter?Pauly_Rocks wrote:Anyone have any ideas on how to make the vehicles go faster without making it lighter? My car was averaging about 20 sec. per run today which is really slow, although it might just be that I needed a new mousetrap to put on, the one I was using was pretty old. Any suggestions?thanks