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Re: jokes

Posted: October 14th, 2008, 6:18 pm
by rocketman1555
:lol: :lol:

i have friends like that

Re: jokes

Posted: October 14th, 2008, 6:50 pm
by sciolykid101
smartkid222 wrote:I swear it is true. Sadly. Very Sadly. And even more sadly that i didn't exaggerate anything. He doesn't have an acount on this website or i would tell u to ask him yourself. The truth is however is that Shivum is really a good friend and is pretty smart and was only acting "retared on those two days" as he puts it. We still are good friends and i'm gonna do my best coach him for WS and Bridge. And yes we did get first place in BLG, we didn't expect it after what happend with the caution tape and vents but we did because i put a lot of effort into it.
You still got a gold medal! :)

Re: jokes

Posted: October 14th, 2008, 8:08 pm
by starpug
smartkid222 wrote:I swear it is true. Sadly. Very Sadly. And even more sadly that i didn't exaggerate anything. He doesn't have an acount on this website or i would tell u to ask him yourself. The truth is however is that Shivum is really a good friend and is pretty smart and was only acting "retared on those two days" as he puts it. We still are good friends and i'm gonna do my best coach him for WS and Bridge. And yes we did get first place in BLG, we didn't expect it after what happend with the caution tape and vents but we did because i put a lot of effort into it.
Oh cool true story. Nice and original too Original and true is more than I can say about some stories *cough* Uncle Fester *cough*. :D

Re: jokes

Posted: October 15th, 2008, 12:05 pm
by smartkid222
sciolykid101 wrote: You still got a gold medal! :)
Yup we did. NY wasn't that competitive in that even to begin with so it wasn't as tough as it would be in say Ohio were BLG and WS are really big. We don't know our officialy time b/c the Event Sup's wouldn't tell anyone, not event the participants, but a spectator clocked one of my flights at 42 seconds at the 27ft gym which is 1.55 spf. That was pretty bad for us considering we were doing1.7-1.8 and have even done 1.9 spf before in our 19ft gym. Of course you can never except to do as well at a competition as you do at the practices. (and that caution tape didn't help either :x )

Oh and fyi i did ask Shivum for his permission to post this story on here, i felt that i should cause the story was about him.

And also about the all stars team, this is example of reason to have them. I said that NY wasn't that competitive in BLG, which is kinda true. I would love to compete with the Ohio and other states (our school never makes it to nationals). Even though i probably wouldn't win, i think it would be a good experience.

Re: jokes

Posted: October 15th, 2008, 4:21 pm
by dudeincolorado
haha i can totally relate the souther region schools always got the top 5 places in rocks at states it was like southern team, southern team , southern team, southern team, southern team, ooo nothern team :D colorado has a weird thing with earth science events

Re: jokes

Posted: October 16th, 2008, 8:02 pm
by Uncle Fester
To get my (cough) true (cough) stories, one must be a (sneeze) trusted (sneeze) member of my (hiccup) inner circle (hiccup) of (burp) friends (burp).

Plus, a lot of them would really tick off some coaches if they ever got out in public. Like the one about the HS Mission student, his 5-year-old sister, and a barbecue fork.

Re: jokes

Posted: October 16th, 2008, 9:12 pm
by genes_girl
Uncle Fester wrote: Plus, a lot of them would really tick off some coaches if they ever got out in public. Like the one about the HS Mission student, his 5-year-old sister, and a barbecue fork.

WHAT!?!?! That sounds hilarious, but I think I can understand why no one wants it made public...though I do wish I knew what happened.... :lol:

Re: jokes

Posted: October 16th, 2008, 9:38 pm
by starpug
*cough* I'll *cough* tell you one of my *sniffle* favorites *sniffle* If you tell me one of *explode* yours *explode*

Re: jokes

Posted: October 17th, 2008, 2:35 pm
by rocketman1555
Uncle Fester wrote:To get my (cough) true (cough) stories, one must be a (sneeze) trusted (sneeze) member of my (hiccup) inner circle (hiccup) of (burp) friends (burp).

Plus, a lot of them would really tick off some coaches if they ever got out in public. Like the one about the HS Mission student, his 5-year-old sister, and a barbecue fork.
i must not have heard that one yet

yomoma jokes

Posted: October 22nd, 2008, 2:03 pm
by eaodon7747
this is a thread for yomoma jokes or insulting ones....just make sure u dont hurt feelings here...

random man :mrgreen: