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Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 6:31 pm
by chalker
roadscholar11 wrote:Chalker, do you know if you can tell me the top score (and the maximum possible score) for Green Generation C and Hydrogeology C, as well as 6th place and mean for each? Thank you so much! :)
GG: max 56, mean 39, min 24
Hydro: max 50, mean 38, min 13

Note to all: I generally don't know the max possible in any of the events, unless it's explicitly stated in the rules, which you all can easily look up.

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 6:32 pm
by chalker
mathgirl7 wrote:Thanks Chalker! Also, if it's not too much trouble, do you know how many points separated 1st and 2nd place in code busters (trial)?

(daydreamer0023: well im a curious child :P )

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 6:33 pm
by rycelee
Hi Chalker,

Could you tell me the top 6 scores for Invasive Species Division C? If not, could you say the difference in points between 1st and 6th? I want to see how close the top six scores were.


Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 6:34 pm
by roadscholar11
chalker wrote:
GG: max 56, mean 39, min 24
Hydro: max 50, mean 38, min 13

Note to all: I generally don't know the max possible in any of the events, unless it's explicitly stated in the rules, which you all can easily look up.
Thanks, Chalker! Also, do you have the 6th place score for Hydrogeology?

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 6:47 pm
by Hayate
"Chalker could you tell me the difference between my first in Dynamic and 0th place" - When I see all those score requests.

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 6:56 pm
by varunscs11
rycelee wrote:Hi Chalker,

Could you tell me the top 6 scores for Invasive Species Division C? If not, could you say the difference in points between 1st and 6th? I want to see how close the top six scores were.


Idk about 1st and 6th, but you were 10pts above us (LASA - 5th place). Huge congrats on your first. We were so happy for you. :D

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 6:58 pm
by syo_astro
Hayate wrote:"Chalker could you tell me the difference between my first in Dynamic and 0th place" - When I see all those score requests.
And that's why we have "chalker, can I?"...I made a post, it didn't stop anyone, chalker seems okay with it, so people will do what they do.

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 7:04 pm
by moosejaw
daydreamer0023 wrote: One more thing...Chalker, what is the spread of Part I testing for Wind Power and what did the winning blade look like? How much did Part II factor into the score? Sorry for the trouble!
If I recall I saw a blade with a ton of blades, and it got over 600 mv

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 7:07 pm
by awesome90220
chalker wrote:
appleshake123 wrote:
Okay, that got me curious about the difference between 25th and 10th in hydro.

Oh and the difference between 12th and 6th in It's about Time if you could please.

Four points for a 15 place difference makes me so happy considering I didn't fail as bad as I thought I did.
9 and 2 points would have gotten you a medal in both cases.
Not asking a question here or reviewing a test, but OHMIGOSH 2 points for 12 to 6? I guess the scores are only out of 100, but that's INSANELY close.

Re: National Test Discussion

Posted: May 26th, 2016, 7:08 pm
by superpenguin666
Back to the original topic,

Invasive Species (7): The test was pretty hard (especially the "best method of control" station), but the factor that really cut down the scores was the time limit. 2 minutes at each station for 5-7 questions means about 17-24 seconds for each question. It was pretty cool, however, that they had specimens! I had only seen a few live invasive species in MO (Japanese Honeysuckle is spreading like crazy), and this was my first time seeing other Invasive Species! To sum it up, the test's real constraint was time. (Maybe next year I'll place... 8-) )

Reach for the Stars (38): The test had 120sh questions and exceeded way beyond my limit.Before you say, I didn't prepare, I came prepared -- it's that I spent too long on the constellations part and too little on the DSOs/Stellar Evolution part. We answered about 40 constellation questions in 40 minutes, while in the remaining 10 minutes we answered 40 DSOs/Stellar Evolution questions. It was quite a hard test..