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Re: Keep the Heat B/Thermodynamics C

Posted: October 17th, 2011, 8:54 am
by chalker7
TheKing wrote:Can someone give some examples of Organic Granular materials?
Rice and popcorn are both pretty generic examples. We've discussed the definition of granular quite a lot earlier on here, you should look back through the posts to read those.

Re: Keep the Heat B/Thermodynamics C

Posted: October 17th, 2011, 8:31 pm
by DeathTriangleCoach
chalker wrote:Sorry to side track the forum here for a minute, but I couldn't help but notice DeathTriangleCoach's sig say 28 years in SO. That's impressive since the first year there was a SO tournament of any type was in 1983 in Michigan (which means you basically go all the way back!) Care to share any details about your involvement over the years?
Other than Dr. Putz, Sharon, and Jack Cairns, I am one of the (if not "the" ?!) longest continuously-serving Olympians. There were actually some Science Olympiad competitions in Delaware before Michigan's first one, but I have been around since the 2nd official year of Science Olympiad. I competed for 5 years in middle and high school. During college, I helped coach my high school team and was hired by Michigan State to help coordinate the first state tournaments held there and was a member of the State Board of Directors for 10 years, during which I started coaching, was a regional, state, and national event supervisor. I have been a regional director for 7 (that I can remember) years and was the youngest-ever state director for 4 years in Illinois. I have been coaching my own team for all 18 years I've taught and started programs in 4 of the schools I've taught in, in addition to many others in the regionals and states I've been associated with.

Re: Keep the Heat B/Thermodynamics C

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 8:42 pm
by chalker
DeathTriangleCoach wrote: .... during which I started coaching, was a regional, state, and national event supervisor....
Sorry again for this side track conversation. I tried to PM you about this but you have PM's disabled for your account. I infer from your impressive summary you aren't involved at the national level anymore. Any particular reason? Would you like to get involved again? Feel free to contact me directly via email if you'd like to chat about this.

Re: Keep the Heat B

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 8:17 am
by rscvms2011

I have signed up as a Coach for training middle school kids for Keep The Heat (Division B) SO event and am looking for some sample tests/questions related to this event. Can anybody give me appropriate pointers?

Thank you very much


Re: Keep the Heat B

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 8:33 am
by Frogger4907
rscvms2011 wrote:Hi,

I have signed up as a Coach for training middle school kids for Keep The Heat (Division B) SO event and am looking for some sample tests/questions related to this event. Can anybody give me appropriate pointers?

Thank you very much

The wiki is a good place to start with info to study

Re: Keep the Heat B/Thermodynamics C

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 12:46 pm
by Littleboy
The test exchange has sample tests.

Re: Keep the Heat B/Thermodynamics C

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 1:34 pm
by Frogger4907
Littleboy wrote:The test exchange has sample tests.
Except there aren't any for this event.

Re: Keep the Heat B/Thermodynamics C

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 2:08 pm
by zyzzyva980
This is where I say, "Hey, you should try making one of your own tests to post on the exchange"

</wiki plug>

Re: Keep the Heat B/Thermodynamics C

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 2:12 pm
by Frogger4907
Would I get a medal?

Re: Keep the Heat B/Thermodynamics C

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 2:37 pm
by JSGandora
Your reward is the gratitude of the general public...but seriously, does everything need a prize?