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Re: Remote Sensing C

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 12:18 pm
by geniusjohn5
rigelbetaorionis wrote:Sorry to jump in, but I was wondering if there was any set database of remote sensing terms and general concepts to understand. As a kinda noob to this event (I've done it before but I don't understand any of it :cry:), I've been hard-pressed to find a good reliable source of stuff to learn. It sort of seems like everything is just being thrown at me randomly and when I finally get one concept there's like 3-4 more that are somewhat related but also totally different and confusing! For example, I have notes on most of the satellites but I just found out about different bands today :?. Any ideas/help/tips?
I can totally relate. To give me two cents: one, basically what knottingpurple said above^. Also, I advise watching some basic Remote Sensing Youtube videos. They helped me a lot.

Re: Remote Sensing C

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 3:34 pm
by knottingpurple
So this is something I've been meaning to post here for a while and it's not completely relevant to the event but as far as I'm concerned it's very cool so if anyone is interested... ... sp=sharing!

For my AP Lit class we had to make a presentation on an allusion so I talked about how the Jason Satellites are named as a reference to Jason and the Argonauts because I love this event and there it is <3

Re: Remote Sensing C

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:04 pm
by Alex-RCHS
knottingpurple's presentation wrote:In conclusion satellites and oceans are both really awesome thanks
Honestly this is the best way to conclude a presentation

Re: Remote Sensing C

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:42 am
by theta27
Not really sure if this is the right place for this but...with what event does remote sensing rotate? This was my first year doing remote sensing and absolutely loved the event so i want to know what events are similar to it.

Re: Remote Sensing C

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:13 am
by knottingpurple
theta27 wrote:Not really sure if this is the right place for this but...with what event does remote sensing rotate? This was my first year doing remote sensing and absolutely loved the event so i want to know what events are similar to it.
I think it rotates with geomapping?

Re: Remote Sensing C

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:04 am
by Tailsfan101
theta27 wrote:Not really sure if this is the right place for this but...with what event does remote sensing rotate? This was my first year doing remote sensing and absolutely loved the event so i want to know what events are similar to it.
Remote Sensing rotates every two years with Geologic Mapping. Source

Re: Remote Sensing C

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:15 pm
by EdwardMMNT
It's a shame Remote is rotating out! Remote Sensing is such a great event with topics revolving around Climate Change and its contributing factors as well as satellites and the actual process of satellite imaging. Mixed in are various physics concepts that are truly interesting. There is such a diversity of interesting topics that I think Remote is one of the best events (perhaps ever?) and it is severely underrated.

Re: Remote Sensing C

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:00 pm
by rigelbetaorionis
It's rotating out next year?? :cry:

Re: Remote Sensing C

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:54 pm
by whythelongface
Remote is confirmed to be rotating out with Geologic Mapping I think, and Rocks and Minerals will once again be swapped by fossils. 'Tis a sad life.

Re: Remote Sensing C

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:18 pm
by Alex-RCHS
whythelongface wrote:Remote is confirmed to be rotating out with Geologic Mapping I think, and Rocks and Minerals will once again be swapped by fossils. 'Tis a sad life.
Microbe Mission is being replaced :cry: By an event with a name that I absolutely DESPISE, no less.

Hmmm, to get back onto the topic of remsen. The rules are kind of unclear on what we need to know for satellites. Are detailed satellite info questions limited to these satellites?: GOES-16, Suomi NPP, TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1, Jason-3, OCO-2, CALIPSO, CloudSat, and Aura. Also, did I get the spelling/capitalization right on all of those? (I know that some satellites go through name changes)