blufoster6 wrote:South Carolina baby!!!!! We don't have regionals,we only have state so the winner of that goes to nationals & there are only like 13 teams.
I should move to South Carolina...
Part of me wishes there was more balance in the way things are divided.
inuyashakusho wrote:SE Pennsylvania. It's a pretty good region for B division, but for C division there are probably 3 teams that could probably get top ten at nationals (two just did) and then a fourth that might be able to get top 20 or 15.
PA is up there with the states that have to most team. We have 6 regions, 35 teams from each division compete at states. 38 teams for division C in our region, and I think 37 from B division. The top 8 from C division go to states, and the top 10 from B go to states. 3 of the 4 teams sent from PA to nationals came from the region, the only one that didn't was Sewickley Middle School (did I spell that right?).
Anyway regionals are run pretty well, we have every event and most supervisors are competent. It still isn't run quite as well as states and nationals though.
no sewickley was first in b div in states and Bala Cynwyd MS (me) was 2nd
and penn crest and harriton (which is in my district) went to nationals for c div.
it was shady side that didn't go last year
Z . Z
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c(")uu(") MADA MADA DANE
2013 Events: Anatomy, Designer Genes, Chem Lab doctor's Userpage
Haha, we've got about 9 or 10 teams per division, and our town is the only one that does anything but state. I mean, the others would go to nats if they got first, but we're the only ones who have locals, aka tryouts. The others just recruit, I guess.
My name is Eileen.
I'm a proud Aspie girl.
My events are Physical Science Lab (first at state), Ornithology (first at state), and Shock Value (third at state), this year.
We're going to NATIONALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I am from Yankton, South Dakota.