Scioly Achievement List

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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by blakinator8 »

I've got a few:

AT LEAST YOU SHOWED UP ACHIEVEMENT: Get last place in an event (WIDI, Greenhill, 2012... never forget)
NATIONAL SECURITY ACHIEVEMENT: Acquire three or more feet of "TSA INSPECTED" tape on baggage
ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS ACHIEVEMENT: Re-use more than 50% of an old engineering device
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by samlan16 »

Let's see...

CLUTCH ACHIEVEMENT: Honestly, I try not to, but in 7th grade I started studying Microbe Mission the night before an invitational our school was hosting; my partner and I got 4th. (Honorable mention: my brother built a water clock for It's About Time the night before an invitational and ranked in the top 10.)
SPEEDBUILD ACHIEVEMENT: Maglev at BISOT last year. I did a terrible job of soldering the motor, so I had to spazz and find electrical tape. Then, I had to reposition everything on the car 5 minutes before impound. Ugh. Also, countless towers and boomilevers of mine shattered on the road. At least I always brought super glue and extra wood!
FLYING SOLO ACHIEVEMENT: JC Booth in 7th grade because I loaned my cheat sheet to my partner, and he left it on his desk.
ANCIENT EGYPT ACHIEVEMENT: Crime Busters in 6th grade because I was too dumb to know how to use Publisher. And then I got a ribbon at Regionals.
GUESTIMATION ACHIEVEMENT: Battery Buggy in 7th grade. My coach basically told me to wing it, and I was unaware of the rule that allowed teams to even mop the track if they so desired (JC Booth) or use protractors, but I ended up winning the event twice that season and got a ribbon at state.
REVERSE ENGINEERING ACHIEVEMENT: Pretty much my first go on any building event. I don't feel like listing all the stuff I've won.
BEAT THE CURVE ACHIEVEMENT: WIDI at Wright State 2012. We apparently won with a 40%; I cannot recall how many people were disqualified for using the degree symbol.
MULTIPLE GUESS ACHIEVEMENT: Microbe Mission, Disease Detectives, Food Science, CompMach, and Maglev every time. Lol.
BS(ish) ACHIEVEMENT: We had a question on Food Science Nationals 2012 about the experiments we were supposed to have conducted that year at practice, but our team hardly did any. I remembered the results to a baking soda lab in which we changed the amount added to cupcakes and wrote the summary to the best of my ability. Judging by the fact that we medaled, I think that I got at least some credit on that question.
HOST ACHIEVEMENT: Maglev last year because everyone on the event except me had senioritis; this also happens a lot at my school at invitationals because people decide to cancel at the last minute (not just in my events but also everyone else's).
PARASITE ACHIEVEMENT: Bungee Drop this year. But that will change soon.
UNCONTESTED ACHIEVEMENT: ExpD almost every time that I've won.
RAGE ACHIEVEMENT: Not first, but fourth. There used to be some dumb rule in GA that if a school had more than 2 teams, only the top 2 scoring teams could get medals even if all 3+ ranked in the top 4. In 6th grade, my school's A and C teams placed higher than B in CJAP, so even though my partner and I got 4th, we did not get a medal.
CONSISTENCY ACHIEVEMENT: This year in ExpD at the first two invitationals, I got 1st.

Now the achievements I made up:
ESPAÑA ACHIEVEMENT: Like the Murrca Achievement, but in 8th grade I got 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th at my regional tournament meaning red and yellow for the stripes and green and white for parts of the crest.
AESTHETICS/ ANTI-AESTHETICS ACHIEVEMENT: This one was hard to classify as aesthetics or anti-aesthetics because I had painted a Triforce on my Maglev car and patched it in places with bacon duct tape, but it was also made out of crappy styrofoam and some magnets that could not stay on the bottom. Also, the wire cage around my propeller was woven from some spare chicken wire I found laying around the night before because I had almost forgotten about that rule. Regardless of classification, I got 2nd at Regionals.
(-1)^n ACHIEVEMENT: (Alternating between winning and losing) WIDI in 8th grade. I alternated between 5th and 1st place for the first 4 tournaments of the year, then Nationals happened.
ANTI-STOIC ACHIEVEMENT: (Celebrating a win excessively) I was on an extremely bad caffeine high at Wright State 2012. When I won WIDI, which I thought I had lost badly in, I started jumping around and hit a beach ball that I somehow had on stage. Then, I high fived random people from Solon (or Magsig- cannot remember).
STOIC ACHIEVEMENT: (Showing no emotion about a win) Because of the fact that we had gotten 4 hours of sleep the night before and coupled with my partner being disappointed that we only got 6th place and not 1st, I death stared the camera for the live stream of the 2012 Nationals awards ceremony for a good minute or so while on stage. There's a FANTASTIC picture of it in the hall at my middle school!
SEA CUCUMBER ACHIEVEMENT: (Have you or a partner consume sand and excrete it somehow during an event) That's right, in 7th grade, the same partner who forgot our cheat sheet for Crime Busters ate SAND and claimed that he thought it was sugar. He "excreted" it by spitting it out all over the lab table and exclaiming, "Blegh it's sand!!!!" Needless to say, we were disqualified. And he got sent to C team despite the fact that he was an 8th grader, hahaha.

One last thing:
ceg7654 wrote: SCRIPPS ACHIEVEMENT:Spell your name or your school's name wrong on a test or a box/bag with materials or building stuff from your school. Hasn't happened to me, but some other friends have done it :lol:
In B division my school's B team ExpD group accidentally wrote "Futon Science Academy" instead of "Fulton Science Academy", so the witty grader wrote "Comfy!"
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by silentsage »

Man, this brings back some memories...
Great idea for a thread btw

CLUTCH ACHIEVEMENT: Used to happen all the time, not so much anymore.
SPEED REDO ACHIEVEMENT: Yeah...that was bad. I think my eraser was crying after I realized my mistake.
FLYING SOLO ACHIEVEMENT: I think so...I never look at my cheat sheets anyway.
O2 ACHIEVEMENT: First time (of a good number) in 7th grade with my best friend, the coaches let us get the team trophy for the event instead of the captains who usually did. Suffice to say it was amazing.
N2: I have been sooooo close. But nope.
HOST ACHIEVEMENT: Every Regionals...well, many.
STUDY EVENT PARASITISM ACHIEVEMENT: Well, I reused the binder from about 5 years before then, so it's environmentally friendly, right?
'MURICA ACHIEVEMENT: *cries as an eagle swoops overhead
SWEEP ACHIEVEMENT: Ummm...if its not the same event.
UN-STREET SMART ACHIEVEMENT: Not me (I did Road Scholar, silly) but my friend was 30+ minutes late at Nationals.
POWER COUPLE AWARD: All the time! Not.
Beyoncé Achievement: 5 events, 5 golds. Nuttin left to say. (Is that what this achievement means?)
Scripps Achievement: Me an my partner made completely bs names for ourselves for an event (does this count?).

Here's some:
HUNGER ACHIEVEMENT: Eat during an event, either your food or that of the event. I tasted the water once in Water Quality because I forgot my salinometer.
WORK HARD-PLAY HARD ACHIEVEMENT: Win an event having been partying all night before (i.e. pulling an all-nighter at the hotel, not studying, watching HBO, etc.).
MICHAEL BAY ACHIVEMENT: Light something on fire in an event. This happened to my friend in Mission.
Road Scholar seems to depress everyone on my team who does it, but it's my favorite event...
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by ceg7654 »

silentsage wrote: HUNGER ACHIEVEMENT: Eat during an event, either your food or that of the event.
I had some M&M's from our team camp I think, and kept them in there and forgot about them until I was bored while waiting as the doer for WIDI, so when no one was looking I snuck one or two or seven into my mouth.
2016 Events: Invasive Species, Fossils, Write It Do It

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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by Verdigris »

I got Ancient Egypt and Newton-Leibniz on Road Scholar...and placed first. :)
Verdigris - green of Greece (Lake Nona High)
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by _idontknow »

This was fun to think about... :D
Host Acheivment- 'cuase I don't need nobody (jk)
Uncontested Achievement- event supervisor told us personally how awesome we are :lol:
Rage Acheivement- 15 question road scholar test that anyone who could read could answer... There was a 3-way tie for first, with the people who tied not placing
Early Bird- 2 straight years at regionals

Some that I thought of... :roll:
Switzerland Achievement- only 2nd and 3rd place medals (red and white)
The Generous Donor- let someone "borrow" your pencil/ruler/protracter
Nothing happens in NC
Best Finishes Invitationals/Regionals/States/Nationals
Meteorology 1/1/1/3
Water Quality 1/1/2/5
Road Scholar 3/1/1/11
Dynamic Planet 1/1/1/4
Disease Detectives 1/4/3/15
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F »

Full Achievement List wrote:
CLUTCH ACHIEVEMENT: Start studying for an event 24 hours before competition
MEGA-CLUTCH ACHIEVEMENT: Start studying for an event the day of competition
ULTRA-CLUTCH ACHIEVEMENT: Don't start working until the day of Nationals
SPEEDBUILD ACHIEVEMENT: Your engineering device breaks in transit, so you rebuild the whole thing at competition
SPEEDWRITE ACHIEVEMENT: Finish half of your test or more in the last 15 minutes
SPEED REDO ACHIEVEMENT: Accidentally skip a question/station on your answer sheet, so you end up having to redo everything after it
Bonus points if you medaled; extra bonus points if you got gold!

FLYING SOLO ACHIEVEMENT: Take a test without a cheat sheet or binder
EULER ACHIEVEMENT: Take a calculation-based test without a calculator
ANCIENT EGYPT ACHIEVEMENT: Handwrite your whole cheat sheet…
NEWTON-LEIBNIZ ACHIEVEMENT: The equation (or information) is not on your cheat sheet, so you derive it (or reason it out) during the test
GUESTIMATION ACHIEVEMENT: Your engineering device did not require use of a ruler/protractor/standard measurement tool
REVERSE ENGINEERING ACHIEVEMENT: Your blueprint was created after your engineering device was built
Bonus points if you medaled; extra bonus points if you got gold!

BEAT THE CURVE ACHIEVEMENT: Know that you did horribly in an event, but still medal, probably because no one else knew what they were doing either
MULTIPLE GUESS ACHIEVEMENT: Completely guess an answer for a multiple choice/matching question and be right
BLIND STAB ACHIEVEMENT: Completely make up a number or term to a free-response question and actually be right
BS ACHIEVEMENT: Make up your own theory to a Short Essay question and get full points for the question

O2 ACHIEVEMENT: Win 2 events with the same partner
N2 ACHIEVEMENT: Win 3 events with the same partner
HOST ACHIEVEMENT: Win an event with a completely useless partner
PARASITE ACHIEVEMENT: Win an event as the completely useless partner
USELESS CALCULATOR ACHIEVEMENT: Get a calculator at around the day of the event and realize you don't need it
PARTICIPATION AWARD: Get last at an event
SUCKER AWARD: Get last at all events
STUDY EVENT PARASITISM ACHIEVEMENT: Use a binder/notes/cheat sheet made by a previous team member instead of your own
EVENT POLYGON ACHIEVEMENT: You are partnered with B, who is partnered with C, and so on…until N is partnered with you
PARASITE POLYGON ACHIEVEMENT: see EVENT POLYGON, but you carry B, who carries C, who carries you

UNCONTESTED ACHIEVEMENT: Beat the 2nd place team by a ridiculous margin
RAGE ACHIEVEMENT: Actually get first in an event (raw score) but don't get the medal because graders screwed up
SWEEP ACHIEVEMENT: Win 1st at Regionals, State, and Nationals
CONSISTENCY ACHIEVEMENT: Get the same placing in the same event
UN-STREET SMART ACHIEVEMENT: Get lost on the way to competition/at competition site when trying to find your rooms
-1^N ACHIEVEMENT: Get 1st, then don't even place
BEST STOIC AWARD: Get 1st and don't bother clapping/cheering
ANTI-STOIC AWARD: Get 1st and clap/cheer excessively

POWER COUPLE AWARD: Medal in an event with your significant other
LOVE MAKES YOU DUMB AWARD: Don't medal in an event, probably because your significant other was doing that event, too
NATIONAL RELATIONS ACHIEVEMENT: Make a new friend at nationals
POPULARITY AWARD: Go to more than one invitational in one year

BOOKWORM AWARD: Do only study events
HANDS-ON PRACTICE AWARD: Do only lab events
EXTREME AERODYNAMICS AWARD: Do only building events where you build something intended to fly (Elastic Launched Glider, Bottle Rockets, Wright Stuff, etc.)
DEDICATED ENGINEER AWARD: Do only building events where you build something meant to take weight (Boomilever, Bridge Building, Scrambler, etc.)

AYUMU ACHIEVEMENT: Memorize a textbook
AESTHETICS ACHIEVEMENT: Have the prettiest engineering device, regardless of how well it works
ANTI-AESTHETICS ACHIEVEMENT: Have the ugliest engineering device, preferably one held together entirely by tape – ultra bonus points if you end up winning

GETS THE WORM AWARD: ...and get 1st
NIGHT OWL ACHIEVEMENT: Finish last (without tying with other people)...

SLAY ACHIEVEMENT: Finish first in all events
COMMUNAL SLAY ACHIEVEMENT: Have your team finish first in all events (can't possibly be done)
FREELOADER ACHIEVEMENT: Get close to last and still have your school win the competition. (SEE PARASITE)
SCRIPPS ACHIEVEMENT: Spell your name/school wrong

HUNGER ACHIEVEMENT: A Strath Haven Middle School Trademark: Forget to bring food to practice/competition, let the hunger WARS begin
WORD HARD-PLAY HARD: Stay up all night before your competition and then get first in an event

'MURICA ACHIEVEMENT: Win 3rd, 2nd, and 1st in the same competition
(SPAIN)ISH ACHIEVEMENT: Win 5th, 4th, 3rd, and 2nd in the same competition
SWISS CHEESE ACHIEVEMENT: Win 2nd and 3rd in the same competition

DONOR AWARD: Let someone borrow your stuff (folder, pencil, calculator, etc.)
GENEROUS DONOR AWARD: Let someone "borrow" your stuff
GENEROUS DONOR TO SCHOOLS AWARD: Lose stuff at the competition
PHLOGISTON ACHIEVEMENT: Set something on fire

VIRTUOSO AWARD: Correct the proctor/test
MULTIPLES ACHIEVEMENT: Have every medal you get be a multiple of n where n =/= 1 (ex. 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 8th)
Let's see...
O2: Fossils and Disease Detectives
N2: So close...
Host: Fossils (I was the only one doing the event)-somehow, I managed to get 2nd
Parasite: My friend in Fossils
Beat the Curve: Fossils (it was a really bad test: we were supposed to get 3 min per station, but we got 1.5 min, and in all of the pictures we got, the fossils were blurry and really dark)
Virtuoso: Crave the Wave, this is probably one of the reasons I didn't place
Swiss Cheese: Fossils and Disease Detectives
-1^N: Crave the Wave
Mega Clutch Printing: There was a power outage at my house the day before the competition, so I had to get up at ~5 AM and print out all of my notesheets
Hunger: Everyone that goes to my school's practices
Multiples: 1st, 5th, and 10th
Checkpoint in Decimal: 1st, 5th, and 10th
Donor: My whole folder when my friend needed something that would protect his/her notesheets from the rain
Early Bird: Crave the Wave at both Invitationals and Regionals
Gets the Worm: Crave the Wave at Invitationals
Bookworm: Fossils, Disease Detectives, Crave the Wave, (I think Picture This! counts)
Study Event Parasitism: Fossils (though I usually use the stuff that I put in the binder)
Reverse Speed Write: Crave the Wave (finished in around the first 6 minutes, probably another reason I didn't place
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by samlan16 »

POPULARITY AWARD: Go to more than one invitational in one year

Honestly, who doesn't?
Old fart who sort of did things sort of for some schools.
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by UTF-8 U+6211 U+662F »

samlan16 wrote:POPULARITY AWARD: Go to more than one invitational in one year

Honestly, who doesn't?
Well, many states don't even host invitationals, so teams have to drive very far away to get there.
On the other hand, some states host three or four invitational competitions, so that kind of evens it out.
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Re: Scioly Achievement List

Post by Skink »

samlan16 wrote:POPULARITY AWARD: Go to more than one invitational in one year

Honestly, who doesn't?
You'd be surprised. There are regions--with highly competitive teams, no less--that don't have access to invitationals, typically because SO is not as 'big' there (in my experience, Saint Louis county) or because there's relatively hardly any people living in the region, anyway (western and southern IL :| ). Even in the Chicago suburbs, which is a populous area with a lot of registered teams (and many strong ones), invitationals have only exploded recently. There were more for C division, but B only had one annually there for awhile. Now, there are a ton of them.

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