Scioly Assassination 163: YO HO HO

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Re: Scioly Assassination 163: YO HO HO

Post by Assassinator »

pumptato-cat has been confirmed as an officer.
BWhat do they all have the same of?
AThe Lady died with him but was not born until long after, in 1954.
Correction: A + B + [space] + [Two letters, both uppercase]
If the Lady were real, she would not have died 362 years before she was born.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 163: YO HO HO

Post by Assassinator »

August 4, 2023

It's a lovely day today! Partly cloudy with just a wee bit of wind.
You are boarding the U.S.S. MidFloat, a Navy ship setting out from the harbour of Santa Cruz which will bring you out to Monterey where you will take the S.S. Wrong, a large cruise ship, from there, across the Panama Canal, to somewhere on the East Coast. It was probably the Saint Lawrence River but it could possibly be somewhere else.
A storm of shearwaters (millions upon millions of them) is brewing, with thousands passing by every second, on their way to the South.
Even if a storm hits, they'll keep coming.
Even if they cloud the sun and the world is covered in a darkness so dark that
Even when used for scale, especially for you.
And the shearwaters fly on, us following them in our Navy Ship waiting to get off at the next port and transferred into a civilian vessel.
BWhat do they all have the same of?
AThe Lady died with him but was not born until long after, in 1954.
Correction: A + B + [space] + [Two letters, both uppercase]
If the Lady were real, she would not have died 362 years before she was born.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 163: YO HO HO

Post by sc95837 »

Just reposting some notes that BlueRobin on the discord made

- shearwaters
- white text
- a "storm" of shearwaters
- August 4, 2023
- USS Midfloat, SS Wrong
- Santa Cruz, Monterey, Panama Canal, East Coast, Saint Lawrence River
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Re: Scioly Assassination 163: YO HO HO

Post by RBScioly »

I am going to protect treesdea. This is due to the following:
* There is a reference to shearwaters; treesdea has mentioned that orni >>>>>, has used bird-id, and has been associated with ornithology
* Santa Cruz is mentioned as the starting point of the U.S.S. MidFloat journey; treesdea was born in Santa Cruz and has mentioned this multiple times
* there is a reference to the word storm, which can be associated with Meteorology, and treesdea has done Meteorology before
* the shearwaters are on their way to the South (probably from the Saint Lawrence River); the birds could be heading to Louisiana, where treesdea is located
* "[we]" are waiting to get off at the next port, following the shearwaters in the Navy ship. There are ports surrounding Louisiana on the U.S. East Coast
* the path of the ships are similar to how treesdea has described their journey (Santa Cruz -> New Haven -> Louisiana)
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Re: Scioly Assassination 163: YO HO HO

Post by Assassinator »

August 5 2023
10:30 a.m.

We have reached the port of Monterey, home to a world-famous aquarium and hordes of circling seagulls (actually dinosaurs).
The seagulls, honing their primal instincts, saw a defenseless Banana2020 (bananasaurus) and d e s c e n d e d, feasting on his sweat, creamy flesh.

We all wept, as a legend had fallen.

August 5 2023
11:30 a.m.

The transfer was successful. We are now on the S.S. Wrong sailing down the southern California Coast. I think I might be able to see Lompoc in the distance but it might just be a mirage.

banana is dead. The next clue will be posted shortly.
Last edited by Assassinator on May 30th, 2023, 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
BWhat do they all have the same of?
AThe Lady died with him but was not born until long after, in 1954.
Correction: A + B + [space] + [Two letters, both uppercase]
If the Lady were real, she would not have died 362 years before she was born.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 163: YO HO HO

Post by Assassinator »

August 7 2023
5:30 p.m.

Anshipohastappeared fromItheOhorizonCand appearsbtoubetapproaching. Iicannfaintlysmaketouteaaflagdof black-and-whitetbuthIecan't reallyotellnfromehere. Buttthishcannotabetgood.

August 7 2023
7:30 p.m.

The shipthashgottenecloser. Webcanoheartthe sailors(singingaansongdby theibandtThe Slow Royalts(for somesweirdoreasonuit'srmissingcthee"y"))in the ship inches closer with the Jolly Roger in the sky. The captain has ordered all us passengers to go under the deck.

August 7 2023
9:30 p.m.

The pirates fought our captain for the wheel and, during that time, the ship ended up crashing into some rocks by Cabo San Lucas. It is predicted to be a week before the ship is able to leave again. SilverBreeze wants to bring us to the mountains to look at the birds tomorrow.
BWhat do they all have the same of?
AThe Lady died with him but was not born until long after, in 1954.
Correction: A + B + [space] + [Two letters, both uppercase]
If the Lady were real, she would not have died 362 years before she was born.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 163: YO HO HO

Post by LittleMissNyan »

hi I won't have Discord access til later today so let me just braindump rq, probably restating what you guys have already discovered already but take it anyway
- "Drones." (in sig) reminds me of Skythee since I used her as a clue target in 160, sure there's plenty of other bird people though
- aaa why all the color tags
- "The Slow Royalt" isn't a band I can find so that's probably wordplay
- Scioly Assassination 144 "Avalon" was medieval/Authurian themed, CPScienceDude was King Authur (and also bernard was a baron, but this game can't kill admins I don't think)
- white text: "notIOCbutinsteadtheonethatthebot(anditssource)use"
- Obvious interpretation is pepperonipi/Pi-Bot (look through Github for dependencies?), but Nydramon also has a forums bot registered. don't know what that one does though
- IOC -> International Olympic Committee -> I remember there was that memo from IOC talking about how Science Olympiad could use 'Olympiad' in their name as long as they put 'Science' in front of it every time (because copyright or something, can't find the exact wording rn I'll go hunt it down later)
- also stands for Indicator Of Compromise (cybersec), Initial Operating Capability (military/government), Invasion Of Chaos (Yu-Gi-Oh booster pack)
- Cabo San Lucas is a city in the Mexican State of Baja California Sur (not US California)
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Re: Scioly Assassination 163: YO HO HO

Post by RBScioly »

I protect Venomizer due to the "flag of black-and-white" reference, similar to Venomizer's profile picture.
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Re: Scioly Assassination 163: YO HO HO

Post by LittleMissNyan »

WE GOT A BIG BRAIN DISCORD BREAKTHROUGH SO I'M DUMPING THIS HERE: there is an IOC Bird List and everyone's talking about birds so that'd make sense! So that would make the sentence say"not [the IOC bird list] but instead the one that the bot and it's source use"
And there's a Bird ID discord bot!
Don't know what this info means exactly since I'm way behind on the thread of reasoning but is this helpful any
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Re: Scioly Assassination 163: YO HO HO

Post by sc95837 »

Apparently eBird's taxonomy is called Clements, which is also a high school
idk how to narrow it down further than that though
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